Ch 17 The shadows that come

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Authors note
Right so as you may noticed with the new covers, I'm finally actually learning how to use some custom cover which will make good progress for stories so props too that. Anyway I've only made 3 but also 3 chapters left still then finally be able to post a different story for once after so long, still remember good old days writing fast then post like crazy wasn't good though but I've improved except still having one problem which is the over use of letter n word, I, been having some ppl complain back in older stories that the letter "I" is used too much. For now let's just move on for a bit and possibly getting little better writing chapters, hopefully...or mostly might possibly give up and chapter 18 will be just the last to FFS END IT because I can't stop stalling because Christ it's been so long...I just can't anymore cause I'm too fucking much with bioshock that I'm really bad at writing, but it's nice I'm able to make you ppl enjoy it. So let's fucking end this shit right now

Y/n P O V
Can't believe I've see another big think they all died, this one lived apparently....

Y/n: "So, you gonna try kill me or something? Or you gonna go down hunting Eleanor..." speaking with venom, she only just pulled me up helping me to my feet and look up at me. Confused by this turning back I started hearing screams of people as there's much debris in the way looking back she was gone...those damn things always were fast..moving back a bit taking a deep breathe running fast drill dashing in the debris broken down going out as it showed vale attacked by tons of Grimm. Looking trying to find Eleanor noticing the pod quickly checking it, she wasn't there making me worried not realizing a alpha Beowulf coming from behind turning just in time seeing the big sister tackle it down snapping its neck killing it instantly, this is strange I never seen a big sister like this..most would be after me trying to kill me but this one is different though it still has that red visor look. Maybe it's trying to trick me...turning back at me she offered her hand making me grab it slowly and she just shook it? Are we partners now? The hell is even going on?!

Team RWBY n shota gang have been surrounded by packs of beowulf with a giant king Taijitu. They have their weapons prepared as they stuck together, waiting for anything the giant serpent roared signaling all the Beowulves to attack making them fight back as Ruby jumped slamming Crescent Rose down onto the ground while the wolves rushed her so for that she held onto her weapon spinning now. Relentlessly kicking them multiple times in the face before smashing one off the head. Yang jumped onto a Beowulf instantly launching herself far away quickly firing fast at the Bewolves trying to charge in but fail due to her barrage of shots but as she kept moving she heard ear piercing screeches to reveal Ravagers attacking her, meanwhile Blake n Weiss and Jack with josh been at a double duo (Frozen cats? anyone?) Blake with Jack's help, slashing n shooting at once towards the hounds with Weiss impaling and making further slashes bigger knocking out lines of beowulves to let Josh handle them blasting them off with bullets. Yang n Leo seem to just get started for Leo he launched the cars in the air to let Yang smash it right towards the hounds, Ruby seem to easily dealt with most of the Beowulves till a certain roared shook her seemingly worried of the giant snake and any further a rocket was heard seeing it be a mini rocket direct hit at the serpent, when looking for the shooter it showed Y/n! With the Big Sister along her side. Eleanor actually been on Ruby's back hiding beneath her cloak

Eleanor: "Daddy!- B-Big sister!" She seemed afraid seeing the big sister which made her seem sad looking down, ignoring that. Y/n quickly moved, drill dashing towards Ruby only drilling right into the snakes fucking head. The blood gushing out it gave Ruby enough time to take it down, within a nick of time team JNPR came in for the rescue! Nora was seen riding her hammer as she landed safely, rest of the others following as they readied themselves. Pyrrha charged in with the others following as June?... well she wasn't ready period, she might die, Maybe......

Big Daddy within rwby and shinobi |abused and neglected malereader x Senran/RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now