Ch 16 The Train ride for Grimm!

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Authors note
So updates were slow, apologize for that since this time I've been mostly doing this thing a school called nanowrimo which is just some fun thing. Now I don't exactly have to do it, but I'm only doing it just so I can be able to skip other class work and still get a good grade because I'm very lazy, it's basically just write your own story or novel. BUT! It has been helping me just randomly at least write 12 chapters for another story bout how shota gang formed there group n whatever. Then there was emotional pain, relationship problems, reevaluating life of a purpose, death, etc etc usual depression pain. anyway very sorry for the inconvenience and just enjoy the chapter

Y/n P O V
I was on a train, which was moving as fast fuck but I could care less nothing matter without Eleanor! I've been running through doors killing every white fang member I seen to be slaughtering them ruthlessly. Quickly I stopped and tried listening for her screams until I heard another scream just close ahead so I rushed towards it until I ran by crates. Thinking she must be in there I crashed it open then looked...only to see my b/f/n suit.....with his little sister dress all ripped DIRTY PUG FUCKING BITCHES!!! I was furious as I turned seeing instead of white fang, splicers now as they laughed like crazy

Splicer: "if it isn't the metal daddy!" He yelled while others went by close

Spider splicer: "once your dead will be getting all that Adam!!!" He yelled and they started charging while I pulled out my Gatling gun no time for this bullshit! Most died some ran off others managed to dodge being smart enough for once, annoyed with them not dying I decided using trap rivets shooting em around to distract them quickly run by while they get held back. Closer I got louder I heard her more enemies I killed the bloodshed will raise I don't care, it's meaningless to me. Finally I made it to a door then bashed it open before using incinerate with electro bolt to weaken that door but down before entering, looking around I saw a bomb and Eleanor tied up it was strapped to the engines as I started thinking how am I gonna hack this....though for the realization I can just use my auto hack darts...if I have any left actually luckily yes. Using it, it worked making me chuck it out the window quickly but suddenly someone shot at me making me grunt in pain too turn who shot only seeing the ginger bread girl

Romona: "your really starting to bother me Tin tons head" she mocked while I'm freeing Eleanor getting her on my back

Eleanor; "Get the bully daddy!!" She yelled and gladly I nodded charging right at her. After hitting her she broke into glass confusing me until something tried hitting me from behind swiftly turning with a drill bitch slap only hitting some girl with pink n brown hair. She had a weap- ......a fucking umbrella?... that even- oh wait I see....there's a blade hidden in the umbrella since she just started pulling it out so I showed my drill dash fast knowing she could be the illusions type. She ran at me so what I do? Easy use winter blast on her, causing her to be a giant popsicle whatever to be honest I'm feeling tired now I have Eleanor so better be quick n cautious. Now I regret saying that since I saw some spider splicers coming in, of course there 2nd most strongest and annoyingly bastards most be them...groaning I pulled out my shotgun aiming when they get closer

Spider splicer: "better give us that little girl metal boy!!" He yelled, climbing weirdly around until he gotten closer making me blast his fucking face off. Another rushed in but I used telekinesis throwing his body at him, more kept coming so I decided fuck this shit I'm out! Swiftly running back to where I ran, I hear there echos of shouting while they tried chasing me. I bashed open a door too only see yang knocked out with a woman of black hair n a weird mask, noticing me she aimed her sword but before more could continue. Hearing the splicers get closer so rushing I grabbed yang throwing her onto my shoulder then drill bitch smack the lady outta the way, going threw the doors like a fucking rhino trying too escape them ugly motherfuckers suddenly I bumped into someone make me stagger until regaining my composure only to see a brute

Big Daddy within rwby and shinobi |abused and neglected malereader x Senran/RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now