Chapter 14 the ninja love pt 2 (lemon)

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Authors note
So sorry with slow or not updating for this, I've forgot to even pre or just write the chapters for this cause of mostly the painted black story. Go check it out and follow 2 important ppl with there inspiration they gave which I'm very grateful for still, aka tadayoshiscott and ms loser. so anyway here's some good old lemon, now you may think wtf? I thought we can't take that big ass fucking armor off? Well you can it can be hard or just painful. you choose which you want, being in horrible pain or just hope you got a hatch who knows, or we just do a Timeskip and you somehow take that armor or whatever off. Maybe that's what'll happen for this story really. Anyway enjoy for the chapter

Me and the hanzo team been walking around vale, I say it's really a nice place. No ocean and no sea animals since I've been deep under the fucking sea from rapture, until suddenly my mind got cut off as We heard screaming and looked up

Katsuragi: "the hell is that?" Asked Katsuragi sounding confused from the screaming coming from the sky until it got closer then closer and-


We got it clear as it showed Austin whose on some bus as it was about to crush us, but I quickly pushed the others away and dodge it fast as I painted them heard a laughing manic aka Austin. whose just laughing his ass off with someone I think remembering it be dawn

Dawn: "oh my god... I'm fucking alive!!!" He shouted panting and scared as Austin got off the perfectly fine bus

Austin: "holy fuck!! That is the best fall we ever done dawn! You think we crushed someone?!" He asked all hyper and energetic jumping a bit around, all mostly dawn did was sigh in annoyance

Dawn: "Austin, the last time we killed someone we had to break you out of atlas security prison....and you know how that went with Johnson's murder spree!!" He shouted as the girls finally regain there composure and glared at them. Well it was mostly Austin, since he basically almost crushed them with somehow a floating then falling bus...he can sense there menacing aura as he slowly turns and looks up at them

Austin: "..... you wouldn't hurt a child now, would you?" He asked in a funny but nervous tone as the girls glared but suddenly that stop as Katsuragi started groping asuka and now ikaurga breast,...good thing Eleanor, who somehow slept through all of this is,is still asleep as she's resting on my shoulder. Though Austin was slowly getting red as he watched the blonde violated her fellow teammates bodies sexually...

Austin: "sometimes I wonder the meaning in life..." I heard him say as dawn slowly nodded

Dawn: "you and me both..." he agreed as yagyu then tried covering there eyes but Austin kinda tried to look at it happen....

Y/n mind: "well this has definitely gone into a shit show..." I said to myself mentally "wonder how the girls are doing?" I wondered, due to them not coming with me for the hangout

This Timeskip is brought to you by chibi tadayoshiscott practicing to do a triple back flip as Austin records him trying

Well, it was alright as we were now going shopping at the mall but there was a down side. Austin is sadly wanted to join in due to his boredom. But dawn came at least just to try keep an eye on h-

Austin: "I got it dawn book it!!!" I heard him shouted as Eleanor looked seeing Austin run from a mall cop on....a weird Segway...

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