Think Pink

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Frenchy burst into the trailer as if she owned the place. Then came Marty and Jan, followed by my sister. I was surprised to see her here, as I'd assumed she wouldn't want to make the drive out to Kenickies trailer.

Nonetheless, I was happy they were here. They'd helped ease the tension from last night that followed us into the morning. I gave my sister a quick hug and whispered into her ear, "thankyou for lying to mom and dad. I know that probably upset you".

She shrugged, but a look of guilt took over her face, "it was for a good cause". Her eyes went to Kenickie, which caused her to let out a small laugh.

"Although you could've chosen someone a little smarter, and maybe someone with an actual house", she'd said the last part quietly. I watched her eye my pants less legs with question. I knew she meant well, but her comment made me get defensive. I had no idea why it bothered me, but it did.

Still, I shrugged it off. I didn't want to cause a scene in front of the guy we'd be fighting about.

I heard the door creak open, and I sucked in a breath. I knew who it was before her pink heel was even visible. Rizzo was here to kill me. "Hey", I croaked out. I was embarrassed to say that my voice cracked.

"I fucking knew it. This entire time, you were telling me to stay away from her and I thought it was because you hated her as much as I did. But no, it was so you could get away with two-timing", she growled at him "and don't think you're getting off easy either", she said pointedly at me.

"Kenickie moves away from the kitchen counter to stand next to me. I fought a blush and kept my head held high. I can't belive we were doing this in front of my sister and her friends.

He gestured between the two of them, "we ain't ever been together. You been on me like glue this whole year. I get it, I'm hot. But don't go blaming Cynthia. You have no idea what happened", he argued back.

I was shocked to hear him say they were never together. I'd always assumed they were, everyone did. The were always together, kissing, holding hands. I guess I'd never bothered to actually ask him.

That small realization warmed my heart. Maybe he could end up with me. Maybe not everything was already set in stone.

I'd also realized he was standing up for me, which is something he's never done before. He's usually the one putting me down. I relished in the feeling.

Rizzo scoffed, "right, so having sex with me was what? A mistake? Becuase you've made it more then once", she snapped back. I watched as she grabbed her flat shoe, taking aim. I couldn't tell if it was intended for me or Kenickie, but I ducked as soon as it hit air.

It hit Kenickie square in the jaw, and I watched as his expression filled with rage. I'd never seen someone look this mad. It was as if he was going to burst.

"She's some backwards aligator girl, baby. I'm the one you've always wanted. What's she got that I don't? Small boobs?" she smiled triumphitly at her insult. To be honest, talking about my breasts around so many people did make me uncomfortable, but I wouldn't let her have that satisfaction. I remained stoic.

Kenickie snapped, "Get. Out. I'm done with you Betty. You have been filling a void, and doing a dreaded job. You are the bug under my shoe and I want you out", he yelled.

"Now", he said slamming his hand on the table so loud it sounded like a gun shot. Everyone in the trailer jumped at his outburst, looking at him like he was someone to be afraid of. In all honestly, maybe he was.

Rizzos eyes swelled with tears, and finally with one last glare in my direction, she stomped off. Before she fully excited, she picked up a small table lamp and smashed it against the wall. "Lick that up", she snarled.

I herd her car start up, but never heard it drive away. It seemed like she was waiting for the rest of the girls. They all stood frozen in place, the only sound coming from their heavy breathing. Even Sandy had her hand over her mouth.

Go, I mouthed to my sister silently. That seemed to snap her out of it because she grabbed Jan's wrist and pulled her out of the trailer. The rest of the girls followed quickly behind, eager to get away from Kenickie.

"I didn't mean to scare you", Kenickie finally said. He'd said it so softly I wasn't sure if I'd imagined him saying it or not. I turned to look at him, but he avoided my gaze.

I grabbed his hand gently, "you couldn't if you tried. I don't scare easy", I say confidently. I meant every word, and my tone came out steady. I was shocked that he'd yelled, but I wasn't afraid of him.

"I just- they were- Betty was trying to hurt you", he stammered out, "it bothered me". He'd sat on his bed like he weighed three tons, relieved to be off his feet.

I followed him, wrapping my arms around him when I got there. "Thank you", was all I said in response. I sat and enjoyed the feeling of our bodies touching, something I hadn't let happen last night. Although right now, I couldn't remember why. All I wanted was to be closer to him.

"Why did you punch Leo last night", I asked him. My head was on his shoulder, so I ended up mumbling it into his shirt. I felt his body stiffen under me. I squeezed his body tighter, letting him know I wanted a straight answer.

He put his head into his hands and rubbed his temples, "because I feel something in my stomach when I look at you and when that piece of- sorry, when Leo kissed you, that feeling turned into a rock and I wanted it to stop".

It made me happy when Kenickie corrected himself and used Leo's actual name. It meant progress. "I get a feeling in my stomach too", I said into his shirt again. If felt strange saying it out loud when only hours before I was almost in tears knowing I'd never get to tell him my feelings.

He looked up at me with hope in his eyes. All I saw was a boy I was willing to loose myself for. "Will you kiss me?" I asked him while inching closer to him. Now, our noses were touching and our mouths were only inches apart.

Without hesitation, he closed the gap and pressed his body onto mine. We rolled backwards onto the bed. Instantly, the shirt I was wearing rode up and exposed my legs. Kenickie took advantage of that and let his hot hands start travelling upwards.

I felt a burning feeling, but I didn't want it to stop. Yesterday, I'd looked at this place with so much judgement, but now I couldn't think of a more heavenly place on earth. I tugged on his hair and wrapped my legs around him in a desperate need to get closer.

I wanted his mind, body, and soul.

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