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I stepped into the trailer with the utmost of confidence, until I started to look around. I could tell from the single bed and lack of personal photos that he lived alone. I'd assumed he'd just been poor, but at least he had a family. Where were they? I wondered how long he'd been living like this.

There was a built in bed on the right side of the trailer, covered in a mountain of blankets and pillows. A small kitchen was right next to the door, and a two person built in table was across from it on the other wall. And to the right, there was a dresser, and several stacks of books.

I moved around the space, touching books and newspapers he had laying around. It was almost impossible to tell, but I could see his personality. He loved sports, which I'd never have guessed, and he actually reads.

Overall, the place was well kept for an 18 year old boy living by himself in a trailer. I started to tear up a little bit at the thought of him having to sleep alone every night. I wished the both of us could've gotten along. In my head I knew that even if we were friends, I couldn't have improved his living situation, but at the same time, I could've helped him decorate. I could have helped him make this into a home.

The footsteps of Kenickies hard boots made me wipe away my tears quickly and turn to face him. "I'll need to use your phone, please tell me you have one", I said in the most bored tone possible.

He points behind him, next to a little stand, "knock yourself out kid", he says shoving past me to lay down. I blinked, shocked that he actually had a phone. I wondered how he got power out here.

I quickly picked the phone up and begin the slow process of dialing Frenchies house. I knew that Sandy was back there already, seeing as how the dance had already ended and Frenchy lived less then four blocks from the school. Sandy had begged our mother to let her stay the night with the Pink Ladies.

She even went as far as to drag me into it. "Lie if you must, just tell mom they're nice girls and you like them", Sandy had told me as she brought me downstairs to help sell our mom on the sleepover.

I let the phone ring three times before her mother picked up the phone and asked who was calling. "This is Sandys sister, Cynthia. I was wondering if I could speak with her please", I said in my nicest voice. I wasn't very good with parents, and it didn't help that my voice was so shaky.

"It's no trouble, wait one moment and she'll be right down", she said kindly. I could hear her set the phone down and walk up the stairs to get Sandy.

There was a moment of silence, then static as sandy picked up the phone. "Cynthia?" She questions into the phone, "where are you?"

"I'm at a friends house," I lied. "I promise to tell you in the morning, but could you do me a favor and call mom? Just tell her I fell asleep but I'm with you guys and I forgot to tell her I was coming to your little sleepover", I nicely instruct.

Sure I could've called mom myself, but then she would've asked to speak to Sandy, just to make sure I wasn't lying. Plus, I didn't want to get yelled at for the kiss. My mother would have plenty to say about that, and would most likely demand I come home immediately. Best not to give her the chance.

Sandy sighed dramatically. I imagine her plopping onto the couch, biting her nails while she thinks. I know she hates lying, she's no good at it. After a short pause she answers. "I can cover you. But I want us to have a proper chat tomorrow, one with lots of details", she bargains.

"Fine, thank you", I say. It felt strange, Sandy wanting to act like a sister all of a sudden. Back home, we'd never do this for each other. In fact, we hardly spoke at all. But what I found even more odd was that I was actually excited to tell her about tonight. I did want to have a chat, and I wanted us to trust one another. I figured this town was changing us more then we knew.

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