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My palms were starting to sweat and my heart was beating so hard I could feel it. I leaned down closer towards him, til we were almost kissing. At the last moment, I pulled away and rolled off him.

"Well, goodnight", I said fake yawning. I felt him still next to me, no doubt confused.

I looked at him innocently, "what did you think was going to happen? You're such a jerk Kenickie", I challenged him from my spot on his bed.

I wouldn't lie, watching him squirm was satisfying. I just couldn't believe I'd had enough confidence to do that. I was completely uncharacteristically brave of me.

I took the liberty of slipping under the blankets on his bed, making myself comfortable. Once my head was comfortably resting on a pillow, I pointed at the couch on the farthest wall from me, "couch is over there lover boy", I mumbled.

Even with the trailer lights still glowing inside, I felt sleep begin to pull me under until Kenickie roughly shoved me.

He snorted, "I'm sleeping in my own damn bed, scoot over". He didn't really give me a choice in the matter, instead deciding to forcefully push me closer to the wall.

For a split moment, I let a smile creep onto my mouth because of the adorable pout that had taken over his face. It was a mixture of determination and sleepiness that resulted in a puffy bottom lip and furrowed brows that made my heart skip a beat.

I recovered quickly and shrugged, acting as if it didn't bother me that we were sleeping in the same bed. I'd never admit that I was secretly excited. An image of me laying on top of him months ago when we'd crashed into each other resurfaced in my mind. I'd almost forgotten that was the day I'd started to have feelings for him.

But then he'd ruined it by causing a fight with Leo and acting like I was his property. Not to mention kicking me out of his group, and punching Leo tonight. In fact, now that I thought about it, I didn't know what I saw in Kenickie.

I turned to face the wall and crossed my arms. I'd put myself in a bad mood. "Well good god, turn the lights on before you get in", I demanded. I couldn't see his face, but I'd imagined him rolling his eyes at my stubborn tone.

"Yes ma'am", he said in a snotty tone. Once he crawled into bed, I felt his cold skin on mine and kicked his legs away.

I grabbed a spare pillow that I wasn't using and turned to face Kenickie, "I'll just put this between us", I said lodging into the crack between our bodies. Secretly, I wanted us to be close tonight, but not like this.

I didn't want to loose my virginity while thinking about Leo, and I didn't want Kenickie to have sex with me because he'd bored and its convenient. I was relieved when he didn't reply, instead he rolled away from me, and I was left staring at his back. 

I had decided to stay awake, which is something I usually don't do. But I laid still and watched the night get darker from the cotton curtains that most likely came with the trailer. I felt like all my thoughts were becoming clearer as I listened to the almost inaudible snore that came from his dormant state.

I found myself wondering if he knew I liked him. It would make sense that my blossoming feelings would come to his attention, but Kenickie wasn't a normal boy. For one, he is oblivious. And second, girls flirt with him so often I'm sure he wouldn't even notice if I tried it.

Even after I crawled on top of him, he probably just thought I was joking. 

"Are you awake", I whispered to the air. I knew he wouldn't respond, but I wanted to be 100% sure he was sound asleep. I do my best thinking aloud, and now was a good a time as any, seeing as how sleep has escaped me.  

"I like you, Kenickie. And I'm in a real tough spot because I know you don't like me back. You like Betty, or Rizzo, or whatever she likes to be called. My point is; I know you'll never like me the way I'm starting to like you", my heart started beating a little faster as I confessed everything I was holding in to a sleeping boy.

"And even though I try being kind, you bring out the worst in me. I was hoping I could bring out the best in you, but after tonight I've changed my mind. Leo is the only person, besides Frenchy, to make me feel like I belonged. You're quite literally the reason I only have one friend. I just wish you'd make an effort, for me, because you like me. But you won't, because you don't". 

Lying here with you is making me love you.

 I didn't say that last part aloud. Some things are better left unsaid. Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to think of ways to apologize to Leo in the morning. 

Eventually, I woke up, entangled with Kenickie. I winced as my eyes adjusted to the morning light and groaned. Once I registered the body heat between us, my face turned red and I began slowly removing myself from the bed. 

Sense Kenickie was still asleep, I chose to look through his closet, hoping to find something long enough to cover my undies. I couldn't even look at my dress, not wanting to be reminded of the night before. 

I softly walked towards his surprisingly small closet and began sifting through shirts. Most were all white, and I assumed my bra would be visible through it, so I skipped the night colors. Instead, I grabbed the longest shirt I could find, which happened to be black, and slid it onto my body. 

I wanted to check for a clock, seeing as I had no idea if Sandy lied to our mom for me or if I'm waiting for a screaming match when I get home. I walked towards the sick, and saw a pink car pull up, kicking gravel as it went. 

There was a giant dust storm caused by the reckless driving, but I knew exactly who's car it was. Rizzo was here. I stepped away from the small window and ran to shake Kenickie awake.

"You're girlfriend's here and I don't think she'll be happy to see me", I said pulling him out of bed. His eyes shot up, looking alarmed. 

Still fully clothed, he peaked out the kitchen window. I could sense today was not off to a good start.

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