Crater Face part 2

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We pull up to Frenchie's house and I notice there's no cars in the driveway. I knew where this was going. "Oh Sandy, wherefore art thou Sandy", Putzie yells at the top of his lungs. He was loud enough to wake the neighbors.

"Sit down", Danny and I both hiss at him. Danny takes a step further by pulling him down forcefully. Putzie deserved it. Part of my brain thought Danny deserves to feel like this, but the other part of me felt sorry for him.

After much consideration, I decided to help him. It took everything in my body to not hate him for talking about my sister like that, but I don't want to be bitter.

"Hey look, there's Rizzo", one of the boys shouted. I looked up, surprised. From what I knew, Rizzo had a thing for Kenickie. It made me upset, but I didn't know why.

Doody pointed at the window, "hey Rizzo, Your doing that without a net,'' he exclaimed. I hoped she'd fall.

All the boys, besides Danny, piled out of the car to great her. I followed their lead, but stayed in the back.

Rizzo leaned against his car door, trying to look as sexy as possible. "What's up Kenick", she asked while pulling out a cigarette.

I watched the way he stared at her, like he wanted to feel her up. It made me sick to my stomach. "One guess", he said shamelessly flirting back. I turned my head away.

I stopped paying them any attention, instead I focused on Danny. I leaned over the car and nudged him, "lets go"?

He stared up at the window with a sad expression, before moving to get out. The two of us snuck down the road, leaving out problems behind. We walked less then a block before Danny stopped walking and ran his hands through his greased hair.

"Why didn't you tell me Sandy was your sister? Why let me find out that way"?

He sounded hurt and all of a sudden, I felt bad. I started at the night sky in an attempt to avoid eye contact. "Because of the way you were talking about her. Acting like she was an object instead of the girl you love. And trust me, I know your whipped".

I heard Danny huff, knowing I was right. I don't like placing blame, but it was nobody's fault but his own. "I want to help you get her back. Even though you piss me off, I know you deserve her, "I add. He really is a great guy.

"You're a great gal", he says coming up to hug me from behind. "I'll do whatever you tell me to".

I smile, hugging him back. "First, you need to tell me why Kenickie got so mad at me tonight", I bargain. I wouldn't stop asking until I got an answer, and I think Danny knew that.

He let me go and walked over to a curb, patting the spot next to him. I took it quickly, waiting for an explanation.

"The Scorpions are our rival gang, and there's no one we hate more than their leader, Crater Face. Last year Crater Face Hooked up with marty. Kenickie takes our Pink Ladies very seriously. He got pissed, and after that, it became personal", Danny explained.

"So Kenickie and Marty were..."

Danny scoffed, as if it was the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. "Not in a million years. ol' Nickie is just protective. We're all like family, and Kenickie doesn't have much of that".

I kicked a rock with the wedge I was wearing. It all made sense. Something tells me that Leo wasn't too kind to Marty after he got what he wanted from her. I groaned and fell back against the sidewalk, "I feel awful".

"s'not your fault, he's just bad with his emotions,'' Danny said laying back with me.

I laughed, "Kind of like you,'' I teased. He pushed me with his elbow, showing me he thought it was funny.

I wouldn't ever say this, but I'm glad Danny and I are ok. I'm glad he forgave me for keeping Sandy a secret. I honestly don't know what I would've done if he hated me. We sat on the side of the road for what felt like hours, talking, laughing, making fun of Patty Simcox.

Eventually, we walked to the Frosty Palace, a place where all the greasers in school hangout. I was surprised to see that it was still open, considering how late it was. We sat down at a table in the corner and ordered fries and a shake.

"So what should I do about Sandy?'' he asked. I could tell he'd been dying to ask me that all night.

I spent the next few hours going over everything with him, in as much detail as possible. I was about to tell him the final step when we heard a car backfire outside. I sat up straighter, trying to see who it was.

I instantly recognized the red flames and stood up quickly. I waved Danny off, "I'll be back". I walked past the jukebox and the bar, pushing past people coming inside so that I could get out.

"Leo", I shouted. He turned his head back around quickly and started driving backwards towards me. He parked in the middle of the street with a smiling face, "I'm glad to see ya Cynthia", he said.

I noticed this time he was alone in his car. I frowned, angry that he had the audacity to act happy right now. "Did you know"? I snapped.

"Know what?'' he asked, his smile dropping.

"that I was with the T-Birds. Is that why you were nice to me? Or maybe its because you wanted to do me like Marty. Was I supposed to be just another trophy to brag about?".

Leo's face scrunched up. He looked confused as to how I knew about her. "I didn't know, and I would never treat you like Marty", he said. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was being sincere. He looked down, tugging on his leather jacket.

"Sure", I said rolling my eyes and spinning around to go back inside. Leo grabs my hand, molding our fingers together, "let me take you home".

My gut instinct was to say no, but I didn't want to. Tonight had already gone so far south that I figured one more bad decision wouldn't change anything. Kenickie would still hate me, whether I said yes or no to Leo.

"Let me go say goodbye to Danny", I say pretending to be irritated. I walk back inside, swaying my hips in my leather pants as I go. I walk up to the small booth shyly, "I'm going home, we'll talk more tomorrow". He nods, looking directly at Leo's car.

"It's not what it looks like. I'll be fine, and we'll talk more about Sandy tomorrow after school, "I say trying to reassure him. We hug quickly, and I walk back outside.

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