Crater Face

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Danny flipped his collar up, "guys, act cool", he told Doody, Putzie, and Sonny. They all immediately stopped dancing and threw their collars up as well. Boys can be so childish. If it wasn't funny, it would be exhausting.

I laughed at the scene from the backseat and smiled. So far, the pep rally had been really fun. The boys didn't want to go do any activities, but besides that I was happy to be here.

Suddenly, I saw the Pink Ladies walking towards us, so I waved to get there attention. Frenchie waved back, but the rest of the girls pretended not to see me.

"Hey Zuko, I got a surprise for ya", Rizzo said reaching behind her. I saw Sandys blonde ponytail from my seat in Kenickies car and cringed. I knew this wouldn't end well.

I slipped out of the car and quietly crept away. I didn't want Sandys drama to ruin my night. I figured I'm a good sister every other day of the week, but tonight was my night. I earned the right to be selfish.

As I was walking off, I heard Danny say something about the yellow pages. I made a mental note to knock some sense into him later.

Instead of joining the bonfire party, I wandered on the outskirts of the field where there was a much smaller crowd. The fire was too far away to feel anymore, so I put the leather jacket I was holding around my shoulders.

Everything was peaceful and I finally felt calm again, until a black car with flames pulled up. A guy who looks my age was driving with some of his friends, "why you out here all alone?'' he questioned.

It was strange, I know I hadn't been at this school for a very long time, but I feel like I would've recognized a face like his. I shrugged and stepped back.

The guy must've noticed my discomfort, because he put his hands up in defense, "I ain't looking for trouble, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Leo, leader of the scorpions". He had said the last part proudly,

I wasn't the least bit surprised to find out he was in a gang, but then again I was practically an honorary member of the T-Birds.

Throwing caution to the wind, I stepped forward to show I wasn't afraid, even though I was. "Well, I'm Cynthia, it's nice to meet you Leo", I introduce.

We shake hands instinctively, but I'm positive he felt uncomfortable. "What're you doing our all alone,'' he asks after a moment.

I want to say I'm escaping sister drama, but I smile instead. "Getting some air that doesn't smell like beer I suppose", I joke. It was partly true, I did want fresh air, so I took my lie with a grain of salt.

"Well I was just leaving, you want a quick ride back to your friends before I kick it"?

He was very kind to offer, and on a normal night I'd just walk back, but it was cold. So I reluctantly nodded, "thank you so much Leo", I smile.

"Scoot it Mick", he yells at the guy in the front seat. I'd never seen such a large man gets scared of a smaller one. I stop myself from laughing and hop in the passenger seat.

"It's just down by the parking lot", I point. I momentarily have a panic attack, thinking I just got in the car with someone I don't know and could easily be kidnapped.

But he proves to be a gentleman as he starts to drive in the exact direction I pointed to. On the short ride over, I couldn't help but think of how cute Leo was. Cute enough to kiss, that's for sure.

I thought I'd started to have blossoming feelings for Kenickie, but maybe I could like Leo instead. I'm not usually a floppy fish, but Rizzo seems to have already claimed Kenickie. Plus, I don't think he'd like me anyways.

"Do you always stare"? Leo asks out of nowhere. My face flushed as I realize I've been staring the entire time.

I put my hand to my cheek to hide my blush. Despite the cold night, my face feels hot. "I- my god, I didn't realize", I stuttered out. Surly he thinks I'm a childish teenager now.

"I liked it,'' he smirks.

He says nothing more, so I leave it at that. It takes less than 15 seconds before I see Doody dancing again, and the Pink Ladies are nowhere in sight. "Just right here", I say to Leo.

"The T-Birds"? He asks me. His face and voice waver, confusing me. How did he know them.

Before I could even answer, an arm pulls me out of the car. I instantly recognize Kenickies scent from when I fell on him earlier today.

He pulls me close to his chest. I feel his warmth, but it feels like anger. "The hell crater face, stay away from our girl", he says pulling me back.

I try to spin around, but Kenickie holds me in place. I see the rest of the guys jump to action. Doody and Putzie start talking smack, bringing things up that I don't understand.

"Let me go, what the hell is wrong with you", I scream as angrily as possible. His arms are tight around me, almost like he's scared to loose me. It would feel nice, if this weren't such a weird situation.

Kenickie pushes me aside, behind the rest of the boys. All I saw was Kenickie charge at Leo. He almost got him too, but Danny shouted, "hold him back". It took all the guys to pull him back.

"This is our turf, leave before I let him go,'' Danny threatened. I'd never seen happy-go-lucky-Danny get this intense before.

Leo and I made eye contact, "go", I mouthed silently. I hoped he didn't think I was mad at him. From where I'm sitting, he didn't do anything wrong. Leo nodded, and pulled his car away quickly.

It was eerily quiet in the moments to come. I could only hear the thumping of my own heartbeat. Finally, after we were all standing quietly, Kenickie broke the silence. He stalked up to me, "what the fuck were you thinking"?

I could hear his voice waver, despite how hard it was. I threw my hands up in defeat, "I'm going to need more information here, all Leo did was drop me off", I said matching his tone.

He ran his hands over his face in frustration. "Don't call him Leo, his name is crater face. And the big deal is that he's our mortal enemy. Under no circumstances are you to speak to him again".

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Is that an order", I challenge. I would not be listening to him. He doesn't even like me. 

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