Chapter 12

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Paul gasped as woke up with a start, his body aching and his head pounding. He slowly blinked as he sat up and leaned his back against the headboard, "What the fuck happened."

"You passed out...Jacob found you." Paul looked over to the door to see Sam leaning against the door with his arms crossed, "How do you feel? Do you remember what happened?"

Paul snarled at him, "I don't know what happened. All I know is one minute I was fine...and the next there was pressure on my lips and felt like my whole body was on fire."

Sam narrowed his eyes, a calculating look on his face. He had a feeling something happened on Kagome's side of the bond, "I think it may have something to do with Kagome's side of the imprint bond."

Paul didn't know what to say to what Sam told him...if he was feeling that...then Kagome had felt the same thing when from her side of the bond multiple times. He just didn't know WHY he was feeling it.

"Do you have an idea why?" Paul asked, as he got out of the bed, a little wobbly, but mostly back to normal.

Sam shook his head, "No...but I think it has to do with the Cullens...that is where she was last and have a feeling that she is still with them."

At the mention of the Cullen family Paul let a growl loose. He hated those god damn blood suckers. Why did they have to interfere with everything. Kagome was his imprint and they had no right to be in the way...even if he didn't want her, she was still his.

Sam sighed, "I am going to go talk to the Elders today to hopefully get more information and find out what we can do to fix this..."

Paul looked at Sam, he didn't think the Elders would have any answers. They didn't before, so why would they now. All Paul knew was he wanted to get Kagome back from the Cullens. She was an imprint and had no right to be on Cullen that last thought a smirk grew on his face.

"Since Kagome is my imprint, doesn't that make her Quileute property?" Paul asked, he was going to get Kagome away from the Cullen's one way or another. If he had to play dirty he would. He may not want her as an imprint, but he sure as hell wasn't going to let vampires near her.

"Are you accepting the imprint?" Sam could only hope. If he did, then so many problems could be avoided. They wouldn't have to have the death of a innocent girl on their hands.

His hopes were crushed and his blood ran cold when he heard what Paul said before he left, "No...but I am not going to let a Vampire have her either. I would kill her before that happened."

Same could only run a hand over his face, closing his eyes as he sat down in the empty house.. He could tell things were going to get a lot worse...way way worse. He could only hope everyone came out alive in the end.


Kagome slowly walked down the stairs, she had finished getting changed and was 'instructed' to go downstairs to get some food into her. Kagome wasn't really up for eating though, but she knew she wouldn't get out of the house without something in her stomach.

As she made her way into the kitchen, she froze as she saw the whole 'Cullen Clan' was sitting waiting for her. This was going to be an interesting breakfast...that was for sure.

Alice was the first to see her and make her way over, "Kagome! It is finally nice to meet you!"

Kagome blinked, tilting her head to the side, "Um..." She didn't know what to say. She had seen the Cullen's at school before, and knew Bella was engaged to one of them...but she never really stopped to have a real conversation with any of them.

"Hi?" Her voice was a mere squeak and it made Emmett laugh as stared down at the small woman. She was smaller than Alice, so tiny and adorable, it made him want to mess with her. Not in a mean way, but in a sibling way.

Her cheeks flushed red as she looked down at the ground not knowing what to say or do. Yet...if she wanted to be with Carlisle she would have to get use to his clan, his family. So with a deep breath through her nostrils she gave them a breathtaking smile as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

Carlisle could only preen as he watched her put her shoulders back, and open herself up to his family. She was trying and it made his undead heart soar with hope. It was with graceful steps that he came to stand by her, placing his hand on the small of her back to guide her towards the table.

Esme smiled happily at them as she placed a plate of food on the table. "Come on dear, don't be shy eat."

Kagome could only nod as she settled down at the table and picked up a fork. She could feel their eyes on her, it made her fidget. "Um, can you guys not stare...its awkward...I'm not a science experiment..." A slight flush dusted her cheeks as she poked at the scrambled eggs with her fork.

Emmett gave a baleful laugh as he plopped down across from her, ignoring the snort from his mate, and placed his chin in his hand. "Oh you're gonna fit in great!" The rest of the clan could only silently agree, loving the way their leader seemed to light up just standing next to her.

Kagome gave a small smile as she started her breakfast, 'Maybe I could belong somewhere...just maybe...'

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