Chapter 10

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Understatement of the century.

She waited for someone to say something. Anything.

They didn't, they all stared at her, making her fidget. Yet the silence in the room wasn't getting anyone anywhere.

With dread pooling in her stomach she cleared her throat. "So..." Okay, even she could admit that was lame, but dear lord she had been put through the wringer. As it was her head still hurt and her stress was two steps away from turning into physical matter and drowning her.

Esme sighed and patted Kagome's hand, she didn't have to be an empath like Jasper to figure out Kagome was stressed, confused and over all a mess.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want too..." Esme looked at the young girl who she knew that had been through so much. She wanted her to open up, but Esme also knew that her doing that was not likely.

Not yet.

Kagome turned her attention to Carlisle who was standing off to the side, watching her. She didn't know what to make of what was going on.

She didn't think she would be back in the supernatural world again. Not after what happened in the past. When she came back to the future she thought her supernatural days were over.

Clearly not.

"What do you want to know." Kagome asked, closing her eyes as she ran a hand over her face. She didn't know what to say to these two...or anyone on what had happened.

She was at a loss.

Life just loved to throw her curveballs.

Esme tossed a glance at Carlisle and sighed. "Why don't you tell us what you want to know? I'm sure you have more questions for us then we do for you." Her voice was soft and mothering, it drew Kagome in.

With a sigh she nodded, she did have some questions, well lots of them.

"How, how did you know...that I'm a miko?" Carlisle smiled as he sat on the end of the bed his gaze on hers.

"We've been around for a long time, we've heard of you... I saw your picture hanging in the halls of the Volturi." She flushed a bit, recalling that before she had been forced home Sesshoumaru had a few paintings done.

To think they were still around! She pushed her embarrassment down and focused on the conversation.

"The Volturi?" She had never heard of that sounded ominous. Carlisle nodded and launched into an explanation that he seemed to have memorised.

"'re vampires...not demons. Well I knew you weren't human I just didn't know what you were...and the Volturi are like the cardinal lords...lording over your kind." She murmured to herself churning over the information.

A whole secret society of vampires...jeez, maybe demons were still around..just kidding really really well?

"Something like that. I assume you already knew about the...wolves." Carlisle spit the last word out, not at all happy with what they had pulled.

Not at all.

Stupid mutts.

She mutely nodded her head, no use denying it.

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