Chapter 6

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Yup, she was sure she was hyperventilating as she sat there, the phone pressed to her ear so hard that it hurt. Yet she didn't pull it away, instead she clutched at the cell phone her fingers white and stiff.

"Y-you're happy your husband kissed me?" It was a statement she never thought would spill from her lips, oh god what if they were into...that kind of stuff?

Sex parties and swinging?!

Oh God.

Figured the only one who would show interest in her was a pervert...

Once again Emse let out a light chuckle, no doubt envisioning her freaking out like crazy person.

"Yes, and we're not really married...I just play the part. You know how it is, young rich doctor moves to town with a herd of teenaged would be odd if he didn't have a wife no? Women would be knocking down our door and he didn't want that."

Well, okay that kind of made sense, this was a small town people latched on to anyone even remotely successful in hopes of getting out of the middle of nowhere.

"Plus it would cause problems for our family...if people knew. If they knew the truth." She paused, letting out a breath. How was she going to explain this to her? Sure she was the shikon miko but she had shown no inkling that she knew they weren't human...

"Because you're not human, right?" It was a statement, not a question. Of course she knew, how could she not know? She just never said anything because it wasn't her business, plus how would she feel if someone from her past showed up and started babbling away about her abilities?

It would ruin what little shred of a normal life that she had, then again being imprinted on by a werewolf...well that wasn't very normal and yes, her cousin was dating a vampire but still! It would only cause problems and she didn't want to bother anyone.

She didn't want to be a burden.

Emse let out a small breath, a smile on her plump lips as she cradled the phone to her ear. Of course she had known, the legends about her were legend for a reason.

"I should have known you would notice..." She gave a small laugh. "Thank you for not telling anyone. Of course I should let you know...we know who and what you are. Lady miko."

Her heart ached at the title, a title she bore without really wanting to. It had been thrust onto her and she had just gone along with it. Even to this day it seemed the duties thrust upon her were still there.

"Please, please don't call me that..." Her voice was low as she looked down, her eyes filming over with unshed tears.

She was undeserving of such a title, of such praise.

Esme frowned into the phone, not liking Kagome's tone of voice. She almost sounded ashamed! She would have to talk with her family about that later, maybe they could figure out why she sounded so sad.

Right now she had to clean up Carlisle's mess, she was doing damage control because she didn't want the young woman to run, not when she could contribute so much to their small family.

"So since you know what we are I assume you know what the people of La Push are?" A redundant statement, one of them had imprinted on her. Yet since they were forbidden to step foot on the reservation they didn't know the happenings going on over there.

For all they knew Paul hadn't even told Kagome she was his imprint and was killing her without her even knowing why.

The very thought made her eyes darken from an amber gold to a dark grayish black.

Kagome bit her lip, not knowing what to say...she hadn't been told anything about the Cullen's being non human, not that she needed to be told, by the pack and wanted to extend the same courtesy to them.

Yet it was obvious they knew of each other's existence. So with a feeling of dread settling in her stomach she nodded, not caring the other woman couldn't see her.

"Yes, I know they-" She jumped as her uncle's voice shouted up the hallway.

"Kagome, you home?" She hadn't even noticed him come home. She pulled the phone away from her ear and hollered back, not wanting him to worry.

"Yeah, I'm here!" She moved back to the phone and sighed, she wanted to continue the conversation but she wouldn't be able to. Not now.

As if reading her mind her uncle yelled back up to her, "Come down here for a sec!" She sighed as she shifted against her headboard, not wanting to go but knowing she would have to.

"Look, I have to go...I'll talk to you later." She hung up, feeling rude doing so, and got up from her bed and made her way downstairs to where her uncle was waiting for her.

The feeling of dread growing with each step she took.


Paul looked around as he stepped into Sam and Emily's home. No one was there, only him. He had a feeling he knew why.

Damn Sam was going to have the 'imprint' talk again.

"Sam!" Paul yelled as he walked into the living room part of the house. He was greeted by Sam who had a scowl on his face.

"It's about time you got here.." Sam muttered under his breath, but Paul knew he was meant to hear it by the look on the Alpha's face.

"Yeah, Yeah." Paul growled, eyes narrowed, "I was doing something important before you interrupted me..." He was going to say more before Sam cut him off.

"Because fucking someone else that isn't your imprint is so important" After he said that Sam sighed, as he ran a hand over his face in irritation.

Paul just gave the older wolf a glare, "It isn't any of your business who or who I don't sleep with."

Sam snapped, "It is when you doing that is hurting if not killing your imprint!"

This made Paul stop for a moment, giving him a look of pure curiously, "What?!" He really didn't expect this when he came over.

The imprint he rejected, Kagome, he thought was her name. She was dieing?

"How." Paul asked, Sam having caught his attention fully now and was willing to listen to the Alpha wolf now.

Sam sighed, as he leaned against the wall, "Because of you..."

This made Paul freeze up as he heard the rest of the sentence, the next thing he knew was being pushed into the yard before his vision went read.

'She is dieing because you rejected the imprint...'

It echoed in his red vision, making Paul howl in pain.

'…..because of you'

Because of you...

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