Chapter 7

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Red, all he saw was red. Nothing mattered but getting to her. She wasn't anyone elses, she was his.


He wouldn't stop, he had to get to her. No one could stop him.

Don't do anything rash!

You could hurt her if you go like this!

He could hear the voices and howls of his pack mates, but he didn't care. He was going, he was going to his imprint. No matter what anyone said she was his. She was alive. She was...she was...

Come back!

You can't cross the treaty line!

He still ignored them, he would cross the damn treaty line and make it to her home. He was going to make it to the Swan residence .

He was going to see her.

Paul kept on running, his paws hitting the earth, he had just passed the treaty line and could still vaguely hear the sounds of his pack mates.

He didn't stop to listen to them though. He was on a mission.

He pushed his feelings away, the only feeling pulsing forward was the need to see his imprint. That was the only dominate feeling he had right now.

Paul pushed forward faster as the smell of vampire started to fill his nose as well has the smell of his imprint. He could hear her heartbeat and smell her fear and confusion.

A snarl left his mouth as he finally came through the underbrush and saw Carlisle Cullen holding his imprint.

From there his vision went red and he couldn't hear anything. All he knew was someone was touching what was his and he and his wolf didn't like it one bit.

He never heard his packmates yell at him to stop as he went to attack the vampire. He was so far gone he didn't even notice Kagome was still firmly in his arms.

He was too far in his hatred to care.


She didn't know what it was, but she knew she had to get out of the house, she had to him!

"I-I gotta go!" With that she stumbled out of the house leaving behind her uncle, he was stunned. They had just sat down to have a talk, and she felt it.

The unnatural urge to be by his side, to comfort him, to let him know she was okay.

She wasn't but the urge to make him feel better, to make him okay was overwhelming.

It scared her, it was like something had come over her, manipulating her feelings.

Her needs.

She needed to be with Paul.

Her imprint.

Her bare feet pounded on the cold hard ground, having not had any shoe son when the pull began, her breath was coming out in ragged pants as she ran. A stitch in her side reminding her that she didn't have the energy to do so.

Her body ignored it and kept going.

"Kagome!" She was vaguely aware of someone calling her name, but it wasn't Paul, so it didn't matter...

The cold sting of the fall air bit into her skin yet it didn't matter, nothing matter but him.

"Ohh-!" She let out a startled gasp as she was pulled into a firm chest. Her senses were still hyper sensitive and she shivered as the cool scent of aftershave and stale blood assaulted her nose.

Blue eyes met dirty gold.

She struggled lightly yet paused as he let out an odd rumbling hiss.

"Snap out of it Kagome, this isn't you." His voice was low and stern and it made her blink.

Slowly but surely she blinked again as the world came rushing at her. Her knees buckled under her, her body exhausted, yet he merely held her up letting out a low rumble. She trembled as she curled her fingers in his dark grey sweater, her gaze landing on his family as they stood behind him, ready to fight.

She could still feel him, Paul.

He was in a panic, a rage, and oh so much more. the emotions rolling off of him made her sick.





All so much and all of it slamming into her.

Her world was spinning yet she turned to face the low snarling wolf as he burst through the underbrush, crazed brown eyes trained slowly on her.

He was finally looking at her, seeing her for the first time...and it sent shivers down her back.

She didn't know if they were good or bad and it scared her.

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