chapter 5

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Carlisle sighed as he ran his hand over his face, today was a long day. It seemed like it was going to be longer when he got home to his family to by the look on Edward's face.

With a sigh Carlisle got out of his car and knew he would have to face his family. They were going to be in for a shocker...that was for sure..

Unless Alice or Edward already spread word.

As he went into the house he was greeted by a smiling Esme who was looking at him with wonder.

He sighed, "..Esme.."

Esme's smile just grew as she looked at him, "Well?" This made Carlisle scowl, it seemed someone had let something slip alright...

"Who told you?" He muttered as he made his way up the stairs and into his study. He really didn't want to talk about it. Carlisle knew he should have held himself back...he just couldn't though!

Esme laughed, "Alice, who else!" Her eyes were shining at the head of the Cullen family. She had been waiting for a long time for him to find his one and only.

And now he had!

Carlisle muttered a couple words under his breath, making Esme's smile turn into a frown as she asked, "What happened? You should be happy!" She didn't understand why he wasn't happy...

Sighing Carlisle ran a hand through his hair, "She ran away..." He whispered to Esme, eyes sad as he looked at her.

Esme tilted her head to the side, "I would have guessed she would have...she doesn't really know her...but you do...more so than she thinks..." she paused, frown in place, "but...there is more...isn't there."

Carlisle nodded, "...she is dying..."

A small wine left Esme as she looked at her maker, "..She...? Dying?" She took a deep breath, "Why? How? Can it be cured?" She fired questions at him until he held his hand up for her to stop.

Taking a deep breath he leaned back into his office chair, "The imprint..." He started seeing the look of recognition on her face before it turned into rage.

"She is dieing because the...the mutt rejected the imprint!" She yelled, fire in her voice, "Shouldn't it be the other way around!"

"I would think so..,..but it seems like that isn't the case...I was going to call Billy Black to see if I can have more on the situation...maybe he knows something..."

"That probably is a good idea...though he may not give you the information." she said sadly, making Carlisle nod.

"That may be true...but it couldn't hurt to try..."

Esme nodded, "You do am going to go make a call myself." Before Carlisle could say anything Esme disappeared. He didn't know that she was going to call the object of his attention...


Kagome laid down on her bed with a sigh, eyes slowly closing as she relaxed her body. Everything hurt, it wasn't like it was on fire like earlier but it felt like she ran from a demon for a couple hours without stopping.

Shifting so she was on her side , she brought her legs up so she was in a small ball on her bed, as she let a breath out trying to relax her body.

"I'm so tired." it was a low whisper yet it seemed to echo in the silent house.

Charlie was watching a game at Billy's and Bella was probably with Edward, so she had the house to herself.

it was a double edged sword.

Good because she didn't have to deal with anything.

Hushed whispers, concerned looks, the whole nine yards.

It was bad because it meant she had time to think.

Her married doctor had kissed her.

Full on lip and tongue action.

Her cheeks flushed a bit at the thought of it, it was nice...but...he was taken and so was she. Well in a sense.

Taken, yet not wanted.

Yet the warmth in her chest as she recalled his soft lips on hers wouldn't wane. Slim fingers pressed into plump pink lips, her heart beating like a humming birds.

She jumped as her cell phone went off, sitting up with a groan she flipped it open not even paying attention to the caller ID.


"Kagome?" She blinked at the soft melodic voice on the other end of the line and pulled the phone away to look at the caller I.D.

In black letters it glared up at her.

Cullen Residence.

Oh shit.

"Y-yes?" She cleared her throat as she sat up so she was leaning against her headboard, dread settling in her stomach.

"This is Emse, Emse Cullen and I think we need to have a talk." She let her head loll back and hit the headboard with a low thud.

Damn small towns!

Had someone seen the kiss? A nurse? Another Doctor maybe?...

If they had then it was probably all over town!

Oh lord, oh lord.

Panic bloomed in her chest.

"About?" Yeah, she was playing dumb. If this wasn't about the kiss she wasn't about to out herself!

A light chuckle met her ears and she hit her head on the headboard again, oh she knew. She had to that I know tone of voice, a voice she had used on Inuyasha after he came tramping back from seeing Kikyo.

Only this time the shoe was on the other foot.

Only this time, she was Kikyo...

"Calm down." Her tone was motherly and it only served to confuse her. Where was the yelling the screaming? The crying?

She had kissed her husband!

She had done so much worse when she found Inuyasha and Kikyo and they weren't even officially together...and they were married and had a family!

She was a homewrecker, oh god she was a homewrecker!

Instantly words spilled from her lips.

"He kissed me!" She clutched at the phone not believe she had tried to shift the blame, well he had kissed her...

Another giggle met her ears.

"I know dear, its about time."

Her jaw hit the floor.


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