Grand Trinity

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The last fight, is the worst one that Xenos ever fight in. Orb is wounded, Volance and Mephisto didn't get to fight, and Reiko just injured but it's not that bad. She is taken to Drazen Base infirmary by the team. The day has turned into night.

At Drazen Base...

Inside the infirmary...

Reiko is lying on the bed. Her head is already bandaged and the light injuries at her body is already been treated. Slowly she opened her eyes but her vision is still blurry.

Reiko: H-Huh...? Where... I am?

???: Thank goodness, you've awake.

Reiko look at the side and saw her father, Kamui. Along with Yuuto and Yoshina in their EDG uniform and Asuma as well. Haruki is there as well.

Reiko: Papa...?

Kamui: Yuuto and Okami found you unconcious near the fight so I ask them to take you here so get more better care.

Yuuto: You're okey here.

Yoshina: Thank goodness that Reiko-nee is fine.

Reiko: *sit up* That's right! Where is Seiji--

She quickly sit up but winch in pain. Her right leg is injured because hitted by rubble back then. But she remember many things in the fight.

Reiko: Where is Seiji?!

Yuuto: We couldn't find him anywhere but I'm sure his fine.

Haruki: Yuuto is right, you must have faith in him.

Kamui: Don't worry, Reiko. I'm sure that Seiji-kun is fine.

Reiko: *look at Kamui* That's not it! Papa, you need to save Seiji! Please, you must save him!

Kamui: Reiko, please calm down. I'm sure that he'll be fine.

They trying to calm her down because she seems to be so sad right now. Then tears start forming at her eyes because she still remember that Xenos sacrifice himself in order to defend her.

Reiko: He's not fine at all! Seiji is in a big trouble! He needs our help!

Kamui: What do you mean? He's--

Reiko: Seiji is Xenos!

Kamui: What?

Then tears streaming down from her eyes to her cheeks and then fall to her hands. She think that she the one that should be blame for Xenos's lose.

Reiko: It's my fault... My fault that Seiji lose... If I listen to him to leave, he might able to win...

Kamui: Are you sure, that Seiji-kun is Xenos?

Reiko: That's right. Seiji is the one that save me. And don't even think about using him when you know about his secret!

Asuma: No way... Seiji is Xenos... That's way too unbelieveable...

Yuuto: Actually, I and Yoshina know about it.

Yoshina: T-That's right.

Asuma: No way!

Haruki: All of us here now know about Seiji is Xenos, but this isn't the time for us to felt suprised about this. This is what we should worry about.

He take out communicator and press the button, and a holographic screen appear at the wall making everyone look at the screen. They saw that Maga Orochi slowly absorbing Xenos's energy while King Joe Blacks are watching and Mokutetsu are nowhere to be seen.

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