Relz Fights Back

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After defeating Zaragas and Antler, METEOR Burst time up and return to cruise mode. Orb dash toward Mokutetsu and slash it several times at the chest making it roar in pain.

Orb: Now, let's fight fair and square!

He dash toward Mokutetsu and slash it at the chest making it back away. Mokutetsu roar loudly and lash it's whips but Orb able to dodge the attack. Then Orb jump and land a falling slash at Mokutetsu causing it roar in pain and back away.

Seiji: I'll go and help Orb.

He take out the Evol Spark. Orb dash toward Mokutetsu but it glows in purple light. Then it become smaller and turn into card, returning to the owner.

Orb: What?

Mokutetsu return to Relz. Then he look at Orb and the fighter jets. Now he know why some Pedan afraid of Earth because their civilization and technology can threat them.

Relz: So this is why some Pedan afraid of Earthlings... Whatever, at least I know about Xenos's true weakness.

Then he walk away. The Blast figher jets are flying around to look around for Relz but he's nowhere to be seen. Seiji look at the Evol Spark.

Seiji: This time I didn't get to use my power.

Yuuto: Well good. You need to some rest.

Seiji: Well, you're right about that.

Okami(Comm): It's look like the Pedan Reionics that cause the attack isn't here anymore. Let's get back to base, I need some rest.

Yuuto: Roger.

Seiji: We all need some rest. Let's go home.

Shinjo(Comm): Okay!

Asuna(Comm): I want to get a day off if Captain give me.

Seiji: Where for us?

Asuna(Comm): Aha! Sorry...!

Then the Blast jets flies back to base. Orb look at the sky and flies away, disappear from the view.

(Time Skip)

After returning to the base, they all went to the operation room. They praise by the others because able to assist Orb in the fight and able to use METEOR Burst perfectly without having any problem.

Haruki: Congratulation to everyone. Today is our greatest victory.

Yoshina: Yeah!

Kikai: With METEOR Burst, we has the upperhand in dealing with Kaiju.

Seiji: How about the Chouju?

Kikai: Negative. After the fight with Ultraman Orb, it seems that the Chouju, register code Mokutetsu, has returned to the user.

Seiji: A new Chouju, huh?

Okami: Things get better and at the same time get bad.

Yuuto: At least we saved both Zaragas and Antler. Both Kaiju Cards has been collected and being researched.

Asuna: Dark Energy Beam not just can make Kaiju go crazy, but also revived them. That kind of power is a trouble to us.

Shinjo: I wonder who made them? That kind of power would be cause of destruction.

Seiji: All well end well.

Haruki: Kamiki is right, you all get a day off tomorrow. You deserved it.

Asuna: Really?! Yay!

Okami: A day off!

Shinjo(In mind): Since tomorrow is that day, I can't wait for it! Reiko-chan~... Reiko-chan consert!!

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