The Return of Space Beast

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Since the last fight, Seiji keep thinking about what come up to his mind last time. He wants to know about who he really is, where he come from, he's true origins.

At Drazen Base...

While lying on his bed in his room, he take out the Evol Spark and look at it. He really wanted to know who he really is. A human or an Ultraman.

Seiji: What exactly am I? Why I don't know anything?

He remember that Ougii told him that he found him in the forest, all by himself along with the Evol Spark on top of him. The day he was born is also the time when the Supernova happened.

Seiji: There's one person I need to see if I wanted to know my origin, even if I don't really want.

(Next Day)

Inside Operation Room...

Okami/Asuna/Shinjo: Eh?! A day off?!

Haruki: That's right.

Okami: Why did you give day off to them but not us?!

Shinjo: Is that for real?!

Asuna: It's not fair!

Haruki: Everything doesn't have to be fair.

Then he drink a cup of coffee. Yuuto, Yoshina and Seiji was given a day off after they hard work. Well, most of the hard work.

Okami: But why those three get all at once?

Haruki: Yuuto and Yoshina has work hard on the navigation. Seiji also help the Kapuya Island researcher on observing the Kaiju that live there. You can say that Seiji the person that most busy than any of us here.

Kikai: Affirmative.

Shinjo: What about us?

Asuna: We haven't get a day off before.

Haruki: Didn't you guys got a day off five days ago?

It make those three flinched. They just using the other three to make excuse to they can have a free time for sometimes. They look at their captain with a bead of sweat at the side of their head while smiling awkwardly.

Okami: Ehehehehe...

Shinjo: Captain, you're remember...?

Asuna: This is bad for us...

Haruki: *stand up* Actually, Yuuto didn't get any day off. I just give him because Yoshina said she went to hiking, so Yuuto ask me to allow him to have a day off because Yoshina is still childish like he always said. You three, go to the field and train yourself to make contact with Kaiju. I don't want to see any failure!

Okami/Asuna/Shinjo: Y-Yes, sir!

Then Haruki went out from the room, making them sigh in relief. They think he's a tough and angered captain, but he just being kind in his own way.

Asuna: Captain sure is scary, right?

Shinjo: No kidding.

Okami: I might reconsider about joining back in crew GUYS.

Asuna/Shinjo: Don't even think about leaving us!

Kikai: I can never understand why you wanted to have a day off so much. I don't even need any break except for charging my energy.

Okami/Asuna/Shinjo: You're a damn android!

Kikai: Affirmative.

Those three continue their argue while Kikai continue his work. While walking through the hallway, Haruki stopped. He take out a picture of him and his older brother, Komon Kazuki, the fifth person that become host of Ultraman Nexus.

Chikyuu no Kyojin: Ultraman XenosOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant