Ultraman has Return

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In earth, human has lived peacefully for years after the battle between the Ultraman with the Kaiju and Aliens. The Ultramen has left the Earth for long time and there's no threat. But the peace will be disturb by a new kind of evil force.

19 Years Ago...

In the night sky, the people are doing their own stuff even thought it's night. But it wasn't a simple night.

In space, a shooting star is flying across the planet until it explode creating a bright shine that causing a rainbow aura in the whole planet. They call the incident as Supernova.

The shooting star that explode divided into two orbs. One is blue while the other is red, both of them fall into the Earth but at different places. The blue orb fall outside Osaka as the red orb fall into the sea.

Outside Osaka...

In a town...

The small town is not far from the city but it is peaceful where the people in the town can live. In the night, an old man is walking home. His name is Kamiki Ougii.

Ougii: It's been a while since we have we have this kind of work. Well whatever, as long as we have good payment!

While walking home, he heard baby cries. He look around and think that it might come from the houses but it didn't. It come from the forest.

Ougii: What is that?

He walk into the woods and search for the crying. He keep searching until he reach an open area, where he saw a baby is crying in a white cloth with something on top of the cloth.

Ougii: What is this?! What are you doing here?!

He walk toward the baby and kneel down next to him. Then the baby stop crying when he sees Ougii and suddenly giggle.

Ougii: You sure are cute... Hm?

He look at the object on top of the baby. He take it and it does look similir with Nexus's Evoltruster but look different.

Ougii: What is this?

He take it and the crystal at the center start blinking slowly. Ougii look at the baby and carry him.

Ougii: Don't worry, you're fine now. I'll take you to a safe place, okay?

He walk with the baby while he still giggling and the object is still blinking.


In the Japanese ocean...

The red orb is still glowing while it stuck at a rock underwater. As it continue to glow, the red orb emit a strong wave that create a huge energy wave around the whole planet.

While the orb is emitting the energy, the orb start to blinking slowly as it still stuck at rock. Inside the orb, shining red eyes are glowing. The battle between good and evil will begin once again.

(Present Time)

A 19 years old boy is jogging around the village. He's name is Kamiki Seiji. He has brown hair, and wearing sport outfits with sport shoes. He is the baby that was found by the man, Kamiki Ougii nineteen years ago.

Seiji: Good morning!

Old Man: Good morning, Seiji-kun!

In this small town, many people know about Seiji. He's nice boy who like to help people and always gives a happy smile. His dream is give everyone around him a happy moment and get them to smile happily.

Seiji: Everyone sure is energitic!

He jogged all the way from the lake to his house, once a week. After done jogging, he went back to his home.

Chikyuu no Kyojin: Ultraman XenosWhere stories live. Discover now