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      We are the last line of defense is what I was told. Little did I know that I would be out on the frontlines at sea, the one place my greatest enemy had the most control. As a child of Hades, Poseidon had never been fond of me or another of my brothers or sisters for that fact. Then again, I'd never met another child of Hades in my lifetime so I didn't know if it was different for others. Anyways, we always had issues when we went out to sea like extreme storms and ridiculously huge and deadly waves. But here I was, on a British warship in the middle of the ocean. We were heading towards the United States to fight Cthulhu who we were following. Our ship was the biggest of the bunch and led the charge as there were four demigods on board, including myself. We also had lots of high ranking military officials on our ship to keep an eye on us and give directions on our operation. Although, we had six warships originally and now were down to three, all lost to the power of the Cthulhu. I watched three warships get torn to bits by the storm that followed Cthulhu wherever he went. The roar of thunder hissed every few seconds and lightning lit up the outline of the creature through the swirling storm that surrounded it. And on top of that, large waves kept crashing against the side of the ship constantly, spraying water all over the deck. The speaker turned on in my room and a voice came through, "All Demigods report to the bridge immediately." I got out of the tiny bunk I was supplied, making sure I didn't bump my head. I quickly got dressed and fixed my long brown hair into a pony tail. I grabbed my hell forged katana out of the corner where it was leaning against the wall. I opened the oval door and carefully left my room. The long hallway sloping upwards. It stunk of the sea throughout the ship regardless of where you went. The ship was swaying from side to side quite violently so I had to walk along the wall to keep from falling over. I passed by the vehicle bay on my way to the bridge. A bunch of soldiers were scrambling around like lost children trying to secure the vehicles as they swayed from side to side. I didn't know why they hadn't done this before we left but regardless, I let them do their thing. I went up the slippery stairwell and into the room that laid under the bridge. The room went out to the deck and had all sorts of safety equipment in it and a bunch of guys standing around. I looked out to the deck where water was shifting all over, which made sense to why they weren't out there. They were fresh recruits, all being 18 or 21, just around my age. They weren't worth talking to. I went over the stairs and as I walked up, I heard one of them cat call and felt their eyes lock onto me. I decided it'd be best to ignore them as I walked up to the bridge where the other four demigods were. They were clearly not experienced in battle as they were all very fragile looking. Of course I would be put with a bunch of inexperienced rookies.
      I disregarded them as the captain turned to us, standing on a little platform above us all, "I have some bad news that will affect our mission." The other four began whispering stuff to each other, having no clue about proper etiquette. The captain glared at them and they shut up, "We have lost contact with the last two ships and are unable to see them." He took a deep breath in, "We're all alone now and the creature has disappeared into the depths of the ocean, but we will still be continuing forth towards the United States due to orders from command." I blanked out, trying to figure out how we could lose sight of a creature so large before I remembered that a storm followed it wherever it went, concealing it from sight except for the occasional flash of lightning. The captain looked to me, snapping me out of it, "Any questions?" I shook my head and he smiled, "All of you are to return to your bunks. We'll alert you when we are close to arriving." The others and I went back down the stairs, the boys gone now as the storm had became a light rain now. The others were talking about what could've happened to the other ships now the entire time we walked back to our bunks. I decided not to think about it.

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