day of birth (dewdrop)

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"Darling, your human friend is trying to contact you." Dewdrop stared at my ringing phone.

"Dew you know her name," I giggled as I picked it up and answered it.

"happy birthday rory!!" Abbey squealed through the phone.

"Thanks," I laughed at her excited tone.

"I have some gifts for you, when can I bring them over?" She asked.

"Whenever you want! We will just be hanging out here all day, so anytime works!" I told her.

"Okay perfect! I will see you in a bit!"  I grinned and hung up. Dew was gazing at me with inquisitive eyes.

"What was she taking about? Birth-day?" Dew cocked his head to the side.

"So a birthday is when a human is born, and every year we typically celebrate the anniversary of the birth," I explained, Dew nodding along.

"I see. What do you do on this day of birth?" I smiled at Dew's questions.

"Sometimes theres a party involved. I usually just like some gifts and dessert though," I shrugged.

"I see. I shall return." Dew floated off before I could ask any questions. I shrugged and started to get ready for the day. Later a knock came at my bedroom door.

"Come in," I spoke. Dew came in, his hands behind his back.

"So you said that on this day of birth, the birth-ee is presented with gifts. And so I bring you one." Dew handed me a box with bars of soap.

"these mean a lot to me, but I figured you might like them," his tail swished around excitedly.

"Thank you hun. That's very sweet of you!" I exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug.

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