Ghoul's Lagoon-Rain

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Okay so this is based of the song Brinstar Depths from the video game Super Smash Bros Melee. I've known the song for many years and it's always given me vibes of being underwater in some sort of enchanted lake. Then when I heard the sing more recently, it gave me water ghoul vibes. It's not where I want it to be, but i think listening to the song while reading better helps with setting the mood. Enjoy 💋

I curled up into a ball as a violent shiver shook my entire body. It probably doesn't help that I am soaking. Where am I? I opened my eyes to see moss floating all around me. My eyes widened as I realized I was under water. I screamed as loud as I could, trying to swim to the surface, but felt restrained. I looked down to see bricks tied to each of my ankles. I cried as I tried to reach down and untie them, but it was no use. I kept sinking deeper and deeper. The sinking feeling abruptly stopped, and I now felt like i was floating. I looked down to see that the bricks had been cut off, and what i assumed could only be a mermaid stared back at me. But she possessed a chrome mask rather than a face. She tilted her head, obviously curious as to how or why I was here. I started to swim back up to the surface, but she grabbed onto me.

"Stop it I'm going to drown!" I cried out. She stopped and gave me a sorry look, still firmly grasping my arm.

I already have drowned.

I became dead weight in the mermaid's arms as I replayed my last living moments, the mermaid dragging me further down,I suppose taking me to some sort of hell. She drug me into a cave, leading me to another creature. He possessed a mask like hers, but he had human legs,along with a tail. Where am I, and what are these creatures?

"Delta? What's this?" The man softly spoke to the mermaid. She made some noises I couldn't comprehend, but he understood her as clear as day.

"I see. Set her down. Thank you," the mermaid followed his instructions and gently placed me on the ground, and swam back out of the cave. I looked over to the new creature.

"Why are you here?" He asked softly.

"I was drowned by a man who kidnapped me and he disposed of my body into this swamp," even in a body of water, I could still feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. He wiped them away.

"You need not to fear. My name is Rain. You may be dead but you are in a good place. Me and all the other creatures inhabiting this lake are very kind. We will not hurt you or torture you. I know we all appear intimidating but I promise we can provide you a peaceful afterlife here." He held my hands. His eyes were truthful and full of compassion.

"Well.. thank you Rain. I'm Becca. I'll have to get used to all of this, but I appriciate it." I smiled at the sweet water ghoul.

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