trick or treat-Dewdrop

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"Hey hey babe! Go knock on our front door and say trick or treat when I open it!!" Dew exclaimed randomly. I raised an eyebrow.


"Just do it!!" He exclaimed.

"Ugh fine," I huffed as I got up and went outside. I knocked on the door. Dew opened it up.

"Trick or treat!!" I yelled as excited as I could. Dew cocked his head to the side, and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Trick!" He sprayed silly string all over me! I shrieked.

"Dewdrop!!" I squealed and chased him around the house. Once I got ahold of him, I hugged him tight, getting the silly string on me all over him too.

"You asshole!" He hissed.

"Dont you hiss at me! You had it coming!" I stuck my tongue out at him, and he licked it.

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