bath from hell (dewdrop)

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"Ooo, what's this??" Dewdrop snatched the sparkly, black bath bomb from my hand, and took a bite of it.

"Dew you can't eat that!! This is a bath bomb. They usually have like essential oils to help your skin, and they look pretty and smell lovely too!" I dropped the partially eaten one and another full one into the big tub. Dew's eyes sparkled with fascination as he watched the bombs dissolve. I giggled and got into the tub, my ghoul now doing the same. I like my baths nice and hot, so this is bearable to him.

"Oo, it's chilly in here!" The fire ghoul exclaimed before using his heat to make the water hotter. I hissed in pain.

"That's too hot now!" I whined, putting cold water into the tub. He rolled his eyes at me, muttering about how it's not that hot. I shook my head. I swear he forgets hes a fire ghoul sometimes. Once the water became an acceptable temperature for the both of us, I lowered myself into the water a bit more, finally closing my eyes and relaxing. Dew stayed quiet too. For a minute. That's what I heard it.


My eyes shot open to see the fire ghoul lapping up the bath water like some sort of dog. I gave him a sassy look.

"What? I'm thirsty!" He shrugged and took another slurp.

"How many times do I have to tell you this is a bath, not a bowl of soup!" I laughed at the chaotic ghoul.

"Ok ok,I'm sorry babe." Dew crawled onto my lap.

"What the hell are you doing!!" I squeaked.

"Cuddling!! You love cuddles!"

"Not in the tub, idiot." I snickered.

"You can't eat the bath candy, drink the candy water,you can't cuddle, what even is the point of baths?!" He dramatically rambled on.

"To relax! Something you clearly don't know about!" I laughed and set some rubber ducks in the tub.

"If that ain't doing it for you, you can play with these." I pushed one over to him. He gave it a quizzical look.

"Play? With this? That seems so lame." He scoffed.

"No no watch, like this!" I began to play with one. He refusee at first, but was soon also playing with the ducks. Baths with Dewdrop aren't relaxing, but they sure are something unique.

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