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A/N: ain't that a neat picture?? I took it myself! :)

I never understood why it was referred to as a ritual until I went and saw Ghost live. The energy that occurs within a Ghost show is completely unique, especially if you were front row like I was. The entire time it feels like a beautiful dream you never want to wake up from. Cardinal Copia and the Ghouls know the power they have over everyone and use that to their advantage, it does make you feel like you're in a different world.

Everyone was mesmerizing in their own way, but the bassist instantly drew me in. I could never explain it- a man who I have never seen unmasked is making me feel things I never have before.

There he stood in front of me, the bassist. He looked down at me, and the world seemed to go away, he was the only thing I could see or hear in that moment. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could only wonder if this is what love at first sight felt like.

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