late night thoughts-Swiss

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I stared blankly at the wall, waiting for sleep to overcome me. I glanced at the clock again. 2 am. I've been trying to go to sleep for about 2 hours now but I'm just not sleepy. I turned to my sleeping ghoul, and poked his back.

"Psst. Swiss. Swiss wake up!!" I whisper yelled to him. He groaned and turned to me.

"Becca? What is it? It's the middle of the night?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Swiss do you think stars have feelings?" I asked quietly. The multi ghoul gave me a sassy look before lightly hitting me with a pillow.

"That's what you seriously woke me up for??" He asked.

"Swiss! If I was a star that would have made me sad!" I pouted at him. He rolled his eyes but pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I love you. Go to bed." He pecked my lips before closing his eyes.

"Swiss! You never answered the question!" I whined.

"Okay fine sure they do, goodnight," he groaned. I kissed his cheek, making him fall back asleep with a smile on his face.

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