shock collar (Dewdrop)

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Dewdrop was practically tearing the house apart in search of something, but he wont tell any of us what he is looking for.

"Dew!! You do realize that if you tell us, we could help you, right?" Rain spoke up. Dew turned his attention to the water ghoul.

"I can't find the key for this damn thing!!" Dew tugged at the shock collar around his neck. Why is my ghoul wearing a shock collar, you may ask. Its because hes a feral boy who loves to be choked, and thought that would be an amazing idea. He broke it so it would stay on the highest setting, and of course now he lost the key. Everyone, including me, couldn't help but laugh at Dew. He narrowed his eyes at all of us.

"You think this is funny!" He yelled, and hissed as the collar shocked him.

"Ok ok sorry, here let's get this thing off you," Mountain ,spoke before going to get a screwdriver. Mountain worked at it for a while, Dew was starting to become frustrated. He'd yell out profanities, and instantly be shocked (which was not fun to him anymore). After a while, it finally came off.

"Now I can get a new one!! I just hope I can keep track of the key this time." Dew grinned. We knew that in no time, we would have this situation all over again.

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