I really hope Jonathan doesn't think anything of this. Even though I hated him, I wanted to be the person that told him about the baby.

"Should I call him?" I asked Tae looking up from my phone.

"He probably hasn't seen it yet or he probably thinks issa joke"

"Yea, a girl can hope." I shook my head. I know Jonathan, he's gonna question it and that's for sure.

"If he do say something you just go ahead and ask his dumb ass about the Robyn thing." Tae shrugged.

"All he's gonna say is he's single and he can do whatever he wants." I roll my eyes, it definitely wouldn't be a lie.

"I give y'all another day or so of this 'single' shit."

"As long as he still believe Jay, I'm single" I shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Tae rolls his eyes. "Let him show up to drop off some dick, you gon be hot n ready"

"His dick don't got shit to do with us being together" I laugh shrugging my shoulders. "Just because he don't deserve some pussy don't mean I don't deserve some dick"

Tae and I lounged around the house for a while. I caught up on a few Instagram ads I had to do for the week while Tae looked for some new looks to do on Nicki's hair for her video shoot. After hours of doing nothing, we decided to go pick up a pizza and have a movie night.

We were on our third scary movie of the night, Halloween. I reached for a slice of pizza with my eyes glued on the television. All of sudden I could hear someone trying to come in through the front door. Tae and I eyes instantly went over to the door and we froze.

"Bitch what the fuck" He whispered. "It's fucking Michael Myers bitch"

I jumped up and ran into the kitchen to grab a knife. If the person was dumb enough to break into the house while we were home, they were going to get sliced and diced. Just as I ran back into the kitchen the door opened.

"Shit" I let out a sigh of relief clenching my chest.

"Damn you was finna stab a nigga" Jonathan laughs holding his hands up in defense.

"It's 2 o clock in the morning fuck do you want? And why do you still have a key?"  I frowned my face up at him. I haven't spoken to this man in almost three weeks and he shows up now that there are pregnancy rumors.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" He questions looking over at Tae.

"No. The fuck do you wanna talk about 2 am? You had all day to talk to me" 

"I wanted to talk in person. My flight just landed and I came straight here"

"Imma just let y'all talk. Holla if you need me" Tae grabs the whole box of pizza and heads upstairs. Jonathan and I just stood there looking at each other for a few seconds.

"How you been?" He asks me. I just glare at him and walked off into the kitchen to put away the knife.

"How's Robyn?" I roll my eyes walking over to the block of knives to put the one in my hand away. I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned against the counter.

Session 32 |DaBaby|Where stories live. Discover now