Chapter Twenty Three

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“DADDY!” They both cheered causing me to chuckle and Char to smile. She excused herself going into the kitchen and started talking to my mom. I smiled down at the girls ruffling their hair, seeing them already in their swim gear. “Are you ready for the beach?” Bella asked I smiled nodded.  

“Of course. Let’s build the best castle ever.” I exclaimed walking into the kitchen seeing Char packing the cooler. Em and Bella started talking about what to put and how to build their castle. I walked up behind Char as my mom bid us all goodbye leaving to hang out with Char’s mom. I swear those two could possibly be teenage girls. “What are you packing?”

“Some yummy snacks duh.” She replied childishly as I laughed watching as she put the chips and crackers in a small carrying bag. She also had a bag of towels and a bag of tools to build with. She had containers of cut up fruit and makings for sandwiches. She also had four waters and four juice pouches along with two bottles of sparkling water. I smiled watching as she closed everything and smiled my way. “ I think we are ready.” I chuckled nodding getting the girls in the car  and then helped Char with the coolers. The beach wasn’t as packed as it would be on Saturday's or Sunday’s but it was still buzzing with people. Char found a good spot and I smiled seeing how great the spot was. It was about 10 feet away from the tide line and had great sand for sandcastles. I kissed her cheek while pulling out the chair and  plopping my butt down in one. Char did the same thing and we both watched as the girls attempted to make the sand castle. I laughed getting out of my chair and helping them fill the buckets and stack it. We tried to build a tunnel but that didn’t go over so well. The next thing I knew Char told us to hold on a second and flattened out our castle and made the tunnel before stacking the blocks.

Once our castle was done, Char reapplied sunblock to the girls while I made them their sandwhiches. Char wiped her hands free of sunblock and opened the container of fruit and bag of chips. Em and Bella were quietly eating admiring the awesome sand castle that was built. I smiled over at Char who were away when I looked her way.

“I’m eating don’t look.” She muffled out through a mouthful of food. I laughed taking a big bite of my sandwich finishing it off and grabbed a few chips basking in the sun's glory. I then felt something cold on my skin and jumped. Char giggled as I just shook my head laying back while she rubbed in the sunscreen.

“Hey Emma , Isabella look at your dad. Such a little kid not putting his own sunscreen on.” They girls all laughed together as I gasped.

“Yeah daddy is a little kid me and Bella both know how to put our own sunscreen on.” Em said while she grabbed the body board. I shook my head grabbing two body boards and Chars hand leading her into the waster. She stopped me after a few steps and took off her shorts and took causing me to take in a sharp breath. She then grabbed a board and pulled me into the water helping the girls .

I think it was almost an hour later when we got out of the water. The girls played with their toys and the castle while Char laid on her towel a few inches away from the girls. I then laid my towel right beside hers and smiled over at her.

“Any plans tomorrow Char?”

“No why?” She asked a small smile forming on her lips.

“Good you're spending the whole day with us birthday girl.” She laughed hiding her face as I shook my head looking out into the water.


When I woke up, I smiled and kissed Char’s forehead. She was still asleep so I slid out of bed and woke the girls up. We raced downstairs and started making blueberry waffles, Char’s favorite breakfast. I made five waffles setting them on a different plate for the girls to eat, and three on a different one for me to eat. I then grabbed a different plate putting two on that plate with bacon and orange juice on a tray. My mom came down and when I went to make her some she shooed us three away. I smiled and the girls lead the way. All the food was on the tray so when the girls entered the room the climbed on the bed and woke Char up. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” They both cheered. Char giggled and gave them both a hug. She then noticed me and smiled more when I set the food in front of her. The girls grabbed their plate and started to dig in when I pecked Char on her lips quickly.  

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