Chapter Seven

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 I woke up on Monday 630 a smile on my face. I came from a dream, a marvelous dream. Char was in it, the main focus really. She was just swinging on the swings, me behind her pushing lightly, talking about everything and anything. We went to the beach and in the water I kissed her, and it was like I could feel it. The tingly sensation overcoming me again just thinking about it. Then we walked back to my car I opened the trunk setting the towels in the back when she kissed me things got hot and then I was in my bed alone, Monday morning. I ran a hand through my hair, checking on the girls before showering. I got out getting into my suit then heading to their room. I sat on the edge of Bella's bed shaking her awake. She groaned rolling toward me. I chuckled kissing her forehead. "Come on sweetie. Wake up. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Scrambled eggs." She mumbled rubbing her face. I smiled ruffling her hair as I then shuffled over to Emma's bed. I kissed her forehead before lightly shaking her. "Emma, wake up." I said causing her eyes to flutter some time before landing on me. She smiled getting up to hug me as I hugged back. "Your outfits are on the chair, please get dressed, I'll go make some eggs." I said getting up and walked out, before lingering by the door seeing them get up and get ready. I then headed downstairs started the scrambled eggs. I was halfway done when I heard the pitter patter and looked up to see my girls coming into the kitchen.  

Once they ate it was close to 730 as we piled into the car and headed for my moms. It was early, I know I've been feeling the lack of sleep lately. I got to my moms, unbuckling them and bringing them inside. I kissed them goodbye, promising to pick them up. On the way out my mom stopped me."Why such a sudden need to pick them up after school?" I smiled thinking of her. "Ahhh." My mom said seeing me smile. "Is it Miss Charlotte?" I nodded looking down then back at my mom.

"Mom she was in my high school, she was- flawless. She was what I wanted to go to school for."

"Did she ever know that?"

"No," I shook my head. " She was 'less popular' and I was 'running the school', I was nervous to actually talk to her, but her smile mom." I said a light blush running through my veins.

"Charlotte is a very dear girl. Her mother talked about her a lot the other day, I couldn't place it 'till I figured you met bowling. She's a sweetheart, Charlotte." I nodded at my mom hugging her goodbye leaving for the office, my mind trailing with images of Char.


-2 Months later.-


I walked into the school building shaking off the rain, then I walked to the classroom the girls coming to me and grabbing their rain coats. I smiled down at them before walking over to Char. The girls asked me to ask Char an important question when I picked them up. So here I was standing by her as she was talking to Jane. I didn't want to be rude so I looked off to the side watching the girls talk with Lacey. I then felt a poke on my arm before looking into her orbs. I smiled before glancing at the girls then giving her my attention. "The girls wanted me to ask you something big today."

"Did they?" Her eyes gleamed, Jane, behind her, looking between us skeptically.

"Yes." I said nodding. "Their birthday is coming up and they were wondering if you wanted to come with Gracie." The girls and Gracie have hung out a couple times since the park and it was my only chance to see her outside of school.

Char smiled nodding. "I'll ask Gracie but I am sure she would love to come, since I would love to come as well. Just what are the details?" She asked her head tilting slightly.

"Oh well the party is next month December 4th since it is a saturday. There real birthday is on November 28th. They still haven't decided what to do." She smiled nodding while standing.

"Alright, well I'll ask Gracie later tonight and text you later okay?"

I smiled brightly. "Yea, sounds great." She nodded as I grabbed the girls' hands walking out of the building, looking behind me to see Char smiling at me as the door closed.

Later that night when the girls were sleeping, me watching the hockey game, my phone lit up.

“Gracie said YEA!”

“Great! I'll tell the girls in the morning.”

“Okay :) ..”



“I um, how is teaching treating you.”

“oh not bad,”

“Although there is this one dad, he has twins and he is totally always smiling around me.”

“I'm sorry you make me smile..” I then quickly typed “Sorry.”

“No, thank you. Don't feel bad.”

“Are you sure, I mean I just complimented you.”

“Positive, I actually am flattered So thank you ... You actually make me smile too....”

“Well isn't that sweet .”

“Way to be sarcastic. ;) “

“Sorry? haha :) The girls really love you Char”

“They are my favorites, I mean I know I shouldn't pick favorites, but they are. Really they are great. You are a great father Elijah. Really don't doubt yourself”

“It is hard sometimes though”

“Just think of the positives”

“I try but sometimes a negative is powerful”

“Well you are ALWAYS going to be a great, perfect role model and father to your girls, promise you”

“Thank you, that means a lot”

“Welcome Elijah -I should probably go..."

“  :( oh okay, well sleep tight Char :)”

“Sleep tight Elijah :)”

“I will, as I say to the girls dream you’re a princess”

“haha that’s sweet and I will.  Goodnight, dream you’re a prince?”

“Perfect I will. Goodnight.”

This was the first time we have ever talked about that. I wanted to say so much more, but that would be out of line right? My childrens teacher and I am hitting on her. It's just how do you get beauty like that out of your head? I groaned plugging my phone in, the tv announcing strong winds tonight and cold temperatures. The oil hasn't come yet, so we couldn't turn on the heat. It was kinda chilly in here. I rubbed my arms, wondering how my mom survives in her home  alone. She had since I was 19 and moved out, but now I want her here with me. Not just so it's easier life for me-I mean what man wants to live with his mom? It's just I want my mom to be surrounded by love, and not lonely. Maybe I should ask her to move in. We do have two extra bedrooms. I shook my head laying on my stomach. I want my girls. I got up tip toeing to my girls' room. I walked in and picked up Bella then Emma hauling them in my arms to my bed. I laid them down before sliding in beside them. Pulling up closer to me. Both my girls, on either side of me, all cozy and warm.

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