Chapter Twenty

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Once my last student left I locked up my classroom and walked into Jane’s. I noticed Emma and Isabella coloring on a table with Bailey. I smiled and walked over to Jane who was doing some paper work. “Why hello sugar pop.” I greeted while Jane just laughed.

“It’s great to see you too Char, but the sugar pop? Get rid of that.” She pointed out while putting the papers in a folder and standing up. she grabbed her stuff and was about to walk from behind her desk when she realized that Bailey was gone but the twins are still here. “Oh, is Elijah coming?”

“Present.” He whispered outside my ear kissing my cheek before waving at Jane and walking to his girls. Jane just laughed it off and started walking to the door. I followed but gave the girls a hug.

“Have a great night girls.” I said while standing up and seeing them smile. Jane and I let them walk out first before I waited while she locked up. We then started walking down the hall, the twins talking to our music teacher. I smiled and then saw Eli smiling at me. I blushed and waved causing him to chuckle while giving a small wave back and saying by to our music teacher. Once we got to Jane’s car she hopped into the drivers seat and buckled up starting the car. After I got all situated we headed to the small cafe around the corner. Once we got their I bought me and Jane some danishes while she grabbed the caffeine. Once we sat down and took a sip of our coffee we both moaned and laughed at each other.

“So Char, how’s Eli?” I blushed and threw a napkin her way.

“Shush.” I spoke firmly while I took a bite of my danish.

“No really what happened during your lovely spring break.”

“Well it’s only for adult ears.” I gave a hint while she gasped and set down her danish.

“You didn’t?!”

I nodded shyly. “Yeah..”

“Well? How was it?”

I blushed more while swallowing my bite of danish. “It was something amazing. It was like a whole new world.”

“Sappy shit. But that is how it is like with me and Billy. It’s a whole new world. You two are in your own, oblivious to what is important at the moment.”

“Nothing was more important that that…..”

“Wow… You are soo deeply falling for him.”

“Shut up.” I groaned and took another bite of my danish. Jane shook her head at me.

“I say go for it. I mean I admit I was skeptical in the beginning due to who he was in high school. But I repeat who he WAS, now I see how smitten you two are for each other. It’s adorable really.”

“Will you just hush up Jane and tell me what it is like to be a mom?” I asked her. I have always wanted to be a mom, I hope one day I will be one.

“Oh goodness Char. It is everything to me. The way Billy is with him. Oh my, it is a whole new feeling of love and joy. Different from Billy’s love and joy- its more pride and honor.”

“That sounds amazing.” She took my hand into hers and looked me dead in the eyes.

“Char you will be a mom one day I promise.” I nodded as we indulged ourself into a useless  conversation about baby fat and jogging. Once Jane dropped me off at my home I walked through the doors and went up to my floor. Once I got to the top of my staircase I saw a small orange roses by my door handle. I smiled and slowly walked up to them and saw a dozen. I grabbed them and opened my door and walked into my house looking for a vase. Once I found one I put the roses in and filled it with nice cold water. I then took a picture of them and sent it to Eli.

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