Chapter Four

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I got home around five and walked into my tiny apartment. I was really happy for Jane having a baby inside her. Today during our lunch period she gave me the happy news. Although Billy doesn’t know yet, which is obvious because I am the best friend. Yet at the same time it kills me inside, because I don't have someone to love, or to love me. I sighed plopping my bag on the floor and walking into my kitchen. What to eat what to eat? I sighed taking out some turkey meat, pepper jack cheese, mayo, tomatoes, lettuce and some white bread. I made a sandwich with the food I pulled, then I put everything back and grabbing a small bag of chips, from the lays bag mix and plopping onto my couch turning onto the news. It was standard and I get bored easily off news and switched it to ABC family seeing a movie on and continued to watch it and I finished my sandwich and bag of chips. There was nothing else really to do so I finished the movie and when it was over it was almost 8. I closed the tv going up into my room and getting into something comfortable and plopping in bed with a Sarah Dessen book, 'The Truth About Forever'. I was halfway through and I just love the love story dynamic, it really isn't a love story but is. That is why she was one of my favorite writers, because the dynamic characters she creates. After a while I set my book down , seeing it was nine and got my laptop signing into some stuff while setting up my plans for tomorrow. Soon it was ten and my life couldn't get any more boring so I put everything away and fell asleep. I just wish I had someone to spruce my life up, outside of school. Because I'm starting to see myself with tons of cats- and I am no cat person.


I woke up looking at the time. Seven. I had the parent teacher conferences today and me and my class are just going to do some coloring activities. I got up walking into my bathroom stripping to take a shower. I let the water run down my body and into my hair. I grabbed the shampoo bottle massaging it into my head. I rinsed my hair and did the conditioner and body soap and quickly shaved my armpits and checked my legs before washing my face and getting out. I walked to my small closet pulling out the outfit I made last night to impress my students' parents. I mean I don’t want to impress to be like pushy but impress like to show I’m not some crazy kid loving 40 year old woman like the woman before me. She had to retire due to reasons. I took the outfit to my bed laying it down while drying my body off and slipping the outfit on. I went back into my bathroom turning on my hair straightener and blow dryed my hair before starting to straighten it. I got out my make-up back applying some before looking in my body length mirror on the back of my bedroom door. My shirt was a sparkly blouse with pale cuffs up by the neck and wrists. I had on teal pants with white pumps that had a gold zipper on the inside. My lips were tinted pink and my eyes had a teal blue in the outer edge with the cat eye liner, not to mention a coat of mascara. I smiled in satisfaction grabbing my purse and phone and heading downstairs to check the tv and news- the weather. After about 15 minutes Jane texted me saying she was on her way to starbucks. I replied with leaving now, and walked out my door closing it and leaving to meet Jane at starbuck for a quick breakfast before school.

 Once I got there I saw Jane in a booth and ordered something before meeting her in the opposite booth seat. She smiled at me setting her coffee down and patted my hand. "Good morning Char."

 I smiled up at her. "Morning Jane. How was the baby appointment yesterday?"

"Oh it was so great the little baby is only a month along maybe 5 weeks, and is healthy. Billy was crying the entire time which was so adorable. He is such a softie Char." She said nodding while taking a bite of her bagel. I laughed before sipping my coffee opening my bagel and starting to eat it.

"Billy sounds like he really wants this baby Jane, I'm proud of you two."

 She smiled at me from across the table and nodded. "I know, I love him so much Char.." She sighed in happiness as I forced a smiled biting my bagel. "Char, one day you will find your lover okay?"

She said her hand on mine squeezing it with reassurance. "I know Jane, I know." I took another bite of my bagel as we talked about the conference and what we were doing today, because we are combining our classes for the day. It was almost 820 when we left and school started in 25 minutes and the kids were getting there in 15. We both drove off to school, me following Jane, as we pulled up and parked. We both walked  into the building and grabbing our mailbox papers and walked off to our class together. Some parents were already there and smiled and waved saying they would be back shortly. I mean after all my first conference was at 12 and I wasn't going to get a break till 3, my twins parents coming in at 330. Here we go, I mentally prepared myself, hating parent teacher conferences for the reason of being judged. Once all my kids arrived I shut the door and stood at the front of the room. “Good morning class.” 

“Good Morning miss Charlotte.” They all greeted back as I smiled grabbing the coloring boxes and papers and handing them out. I squatted by Emma and smiled. “Good morning Emma.”

“Good morning Miss Charlotte.”  She said as she grabbed a crayon box for her and Lacey and a couple pages. I smiled at Emma before going to my next table, someone must have talked to Emma.

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