- Chapter 27 - The Crash

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"I've missed you so much," I sat down in the sofa, my head resting on my boyfriend's shoulder as he played a game, I got for him, on his brand new PS5. He hummed, not paying attention to me at all. Oh, two can play that game, you-... I separated myself from him and created some distance between us in the sofa, before pulling out my phone, just scrolling through social media without purpose.

It went on for a good hour, before my stomach growled loudly, and I scrolled by the 20th food video. I was about to ask Jungkook if he wanted to get some food, but instead I got up and started to walk towards the front door. "Where are you going?" He shouted from the sofa, head still turned towards the TV screen as he kept playing. "Out," I mumbled back loudly enough for him to hear, before shutting the door closed and walk to the elevator.

As I get inside it, I click the ground level button and the doors started to close. But before they get the chance to, a tattooed hand sticks in between them, making them go up again. Jungkook looked at me, just slightly out of breath, and got inside standing next to me. The doors closed once more, and he intertwined our hands. I tried pulling away, but he just tightened his grip effortlessly holding on to my weak try of pulling away. "Why are you mad at me?" He asked, just as clueless as always.

I had decided to grant him the silent treatment, putting on my mask With the free hand, rolling my eyes at him. "Hey..." He mumbled with a pout, as he stepped in front of me, two strong hands cupping my face. I looked down, smiling underneath the mask, but refusing to cooperate with him. Yet he easily removed my mask, placing his hand under my chin, lifting my head upwards to look me in the eyes. "I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted to impress you at first, but then I lost myself in the graphic pixelated world..." He apologized, kissing me gently. "Where should we grab some food? It's getting late?" I asked as the elevator doors opened once again at the ground level.

"Hmmm... It's 9:25 pm... The most places doesn't close before 10:00 pm so we got time to get take out maybe," He answered, both of us covering up, so no one would recognise us.

That's when Jiwoon called... It was a group call... Including both WRLDWIDE and BTS, which seemed... Weird... I picked it up on my phone, putting it on speaker for Jungkook to hear as well...

"You're all here right? On this call?" Jiwoon sounded out of breath, almost like he was going to faint any minute. I hope he is okay... "Yes, or well... Namjoon and Grey are not..." Minnie's voice answered. "I know... That's why I'm calling... They're in the hospital... They... They crashed..." That's when everything became blurry.


I drove onto the highway, as Namjoon and I was going home from the art exhibition we had been to an hour ago. I was tired, but not enough to be unable to drive. Besides... I was the only one in this relationship who had a driver's license...

Namjoon's hand was laid upon mine every time I shifted gear, and the smile grew for each time. "Jia... I've been thinking..." He started saying, and I moved uncomfortably in my seat, eyes on the road, as I hated driving on the highway at night and wouldn't let anything distract me.

"I wanna make us public soon... This relationship... Don't you want that too?" I sighed at his question. "I do, Joon... But you know what will come from it..." "But what if
It's different for us? We're shipped all the time... It would be a pleasant surprise for both fandoms..." I smiled with a sad undertone as the imaginary scenario he was speaking about, was an illusion created within his head.

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