- Chapter 3 - 2014 The "Date"

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"Rise and shine, sunshine," I tell myself as I open my eyes. The morning sunlight dances through the uncovered part in the middle of the curtains. I reach out for my phone on the night stand and looks at the time. 9AM feels so unreal, when you aren't working your butt off. I'm supposed to meet Namjoon for coffee at 11AM, so I better drag myself to the bathroom.

The warm water flows down my body and relaxes every single muscle on it's way down to the drain. The chill music playing in the background helps the last pressure from the countless weeks of only training release it's grip on my shoulders. I remember how I came home last night at midnight. Completely exhausted, ready to just drop onto my bed without changing my clothes or anything. But I made myself stay up half an hour more to pick out my outfit for the day.


After eating a little bowl with berries and fruits, I was ready to go

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After eating a little bowl with berries and fruits, I was ready to go. I grabbed my bag and locked the door, before slowly walking down the stairs.

It felt Nice to walk in a normal tempo for once, instead of speeding up to get somewhere. I could really enjoy the sounds of the busy city. The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. The white puffy clouds had just the right texture. A clear sign for great weather all day.

I opened the door to the coffee shop and was greeted immediately by the barista. I looked around only to see the guy sitting at a perfect spot by the big window. He's wearing jeans, a plain white T-shirt and a denim jacket with yellow converse. "Hello!" He looked at me as I approached him with a greeting. "Hi! I ordered for you," I sat down in front of him looking at the ice cubes in the cup filled with light brown liquid. "Iced Caramel Macchiato," We said in unison and laughed looking at each other. "Brown or white sugar?" I asked him with narrow eyes, daring him to answer. "Brown sugar. It highlights the caramel taste," I was surprised, he knew the answer to that. Not that he wouldn't know about coffee, but that's exactly why I use brown and not white.

"I'm really glad you wanted to spend your day off with me," He said and took a sip from his coffee. I smiled, "me too. I would probably have been so bored if I was to spend it alone." "The guys really like you, you know. You're literally like a sister. I was actually pretty scared about not meeting you ever again after the first meeting... But I'm glad we did," He smiles shyly, not keeping eye contact for long. "I swear, when I first saw you sitting on my sofa at the dorm, I was like... Am I seeing things? But then you smiled, and I instantly felt my heart melt like the first time I saw it," He laughed and either I'm seeing things or his cheeks turned a bright pinkish colour.

After finishing our coffees, we thanked the barista and went outside. The sun only boosted my mood and I smiled. "You have the prettiest smile. Really, I've never seen such a contagious one," Namjoon says and I laugh. "Thank you."

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