Big Boss 4.7

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Rose's POV

I slowly woke up, and slowly got up to see Luke under me. OMG. I think I killed him. Why did I fall asleep on him, Rose you big dummy! I looked at his chest and saw it slowly going up and down, oh thank god, he's breathing. I slowly got up and off of him, I looked at the clock and noticed it was 3PM, oh a 3 hour nap isn't that bad, better than a 6 hour nap... I noticed Luke's laptop and went over to my side of the bed. I slowly laid down and opened the laptop, "Oh Hawaii sounds pretty" I whispered, so Luke wouldn't wake up. Hmmm where did Sophia and Wayne do their wedding at? Temecula... it was really nice, but I don't know if I want the same building. Actually now that I think about it, we can't have an outdoor wedding, it'll be freezing outside.

I think I should wait so Luke and I could talk about this. I laid next to Luke and watched him sleep, I can't believe we're gonna be married. When I think back to when I first met him, he was actually a really big meanie. How did I get him to like me? Maybe I'm a witch like my mom... I giggled. "Who are you laughing at?" I hear Luke mumble and slowly open his eyes. "Oh I'm sorry did I wake you?" I asked. Luke shook his head, "No I just kept dreaming about you in your wedding dress, and I woke up right on the best part." Luke pouted. "What part?" I giggled. "Right when I was about to remove the veil." Luke said while slowly moving his hand to cup my cheek. I smiled. "Since when did you get so romantic?" I asked. "Actually I've been thinking the exact same thing." Luke said while sitting up. "I remember you being such a big meanie when we first met." I giggled. "Ugh, my dreadful past..." Luke says while dramatically laying back onto the bed. I laughed. "But I'm glad you dreamt of me, that's really sweet," I said while pecking his cheek. "Mmm so what did you choose for the wedding spot?" He asked while pulling me in for a cuddle. "I was looking at what you put on your laptop, Hawaii sounds pretty, but tell me what you want." I said. "Hmmm well how many people do we have to invite?" He asked. "Hmm I'm not sure I was thinking maybe a 100?" I responded. "Woahh, 100!? Where are all these people coming from?" He asked with widened eyes. "Well I do have a big family... and I do want to invite your family as well." I explained. "Can't we just invite your family?" He asked. "Luke, I really want to meet your family, and they should at least know you're getting married," I said while looking up to him. He gave me a hesitant look. "Fine... " he sighed. "Thank you. I know you said you're not close with family, but at least let them know that you're about to have a wife very soon." I said. "Yeah yeah, you're right. Ms. Smarty Pants, gimme some sugar," he said while puckering his lips. I giggled and kissed him.

"Ok so open my laptop up, let's look at some places." Luke while sitting up. I followed him and grabbed the laptop and placed it in the middle. "Let's try having the wedding here?" I asked. "Here? You don't want to go out of state?" Luke asked. "I would but thinking of my family ordering hotel rooms, and a couple of family members I really want to see not even being able to go, because of their jobs or the cost of going..." I explained. "I see, well let's do it here then." Luke said. "Yeah? You don't mind staying here for our wedding?" I asked while looking at him. "Nah being here sounds better. Plus, when the wedding is over we can come back home to cuddle in this bed, not a hotel's." Luke explained while snuggling deeper into the pillow. "Thank you." I smiled. "Why are you thanking me? Thank this bed." Luke chuckled. I giggled.

"Luke I've never planned a wedding before..." I said. "That's good, cause I haven't either." Luke chuckled. I nervously smiled. "Hey come on we can look for an awesome place to do it, let's see." He said while grabbing the laptop. "How about a boat wedding?" He asked. "My mom is scared of the water, she'll think we'll all drown." I explained. "Well she does have a point." Luke chuckled. "Beach wedding?" He asked. "On Christmas Eve?" I lifted a brow. "I forgot about that... alright let's see... how about this place?" He asked and turned the laptop screen towards me. I looked through the photos. This place was really pretty, it had a place for outdoor ceremony, but also a place for the reception indoors for when it gets cold. There were trees surrounding the place, but they were all decorated in colorful light. The couples looked so pretty in the photos. The reception area too, some were simple, but some had this fairytale decor, with flowers and hanging lights around the dance floor. "It's pretty." I stated. "Yeah it is. So how do we check the prices?" I asked. "Right here it says price the venue." I said while pointing at the button. "$50 for each person?" Luke asked. "Yeah... for each chair, plate, food, and a bunch of other things." I explained. "Let's see 50 x 150?" Luke asked and whipped out his phone. "7,500." I answered. "Wow you're a human calculator!" Luke chuckled. I laughed. Then I looked at the screen again, and frowned. "But look... plus 3,500 for decorations, staff, catering, bar, and planning. "Not bad." Luke stated. "$11,000." He continued. "Yeah..." I frowned. It's a really pretty place, but I'd rather waste 11,000 on a house than on my wedding. "Let's do it." Luke smiled. "Huh?" I asked in shock. "What? You really like it, I like it too, so... let's have our wedding there." He explained. "Luke it's $11,000, that's a lot of money. Plus you talked about getting a house, how about we save that money for a house?" I asked. Luke stayed silent and thought about it. "I do want to get a house, but Rose when are we ever going to get married again? Let's make it the best night of our lives? Plus I may not have $11,000 saved up but it's close." Luke smiled. "Are you sure? You know I wouldn't mind having a little party at my family's house." I explained. Luke shook his head. "I want us to have the best wedding ever. Cause you're the best." He said while pulling me into a cuddle. He began kissing me, and pulling me into a deeper and more passionate kiss. We finally pulled away to get some air, "You better not get any ideas... you already left my neck looking like a crime scene." I giggled. Luke chuckled, "You caught me." I looked up and smiled. "Well let's call the place?" I asked. Luke nodded furiously and began dialing the number.

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