Tharn stood up from his sit and walked past the shaking guard and made is way to the wall as he punched it so hard that he left a hole on the wall. Rage taken over his entire body, he turns to the guard and said to the man.
"Take as many guard as can be speard, look for lhong, search every nook and cranny, under every rock, I want him found and brought to me!! Do I make myself clear !! ? "said Tharn.

"Yes your highness "answered the guard before running out of the study to do has he was told.

"Son, I know you are angry right now, but you have to calm down take a step back and think clearly, lhong could not have escaped himself, someone must have helped him, so don't be offended, but how sure are you that type was not the one who help lhong escape, think about it, just four days after he visited the man, he suddenly escapes and if my information is correct, he was the last person to visit lhong "said the emperor.

Tharn had never been this angry with his father before, how could a man who was always kind and respectful to his family, would be so..... So....., he just couldn't believe the man asked him that, he wanted to break something or punch the wall again to get this rage out.

"listen to me father, cause I will not repeat it again,Type is my omega, my soulmate and my everything and I am his, I have never been more certain about anything as much as I am of this, Weither you accept him or not is your concern, course I will drop everything even this crown (pointing to the little circle crown on his head) if u so much as stop me from being with the man I love. Was that a good enough answer for you? Asked Tharn, as he turns around and left not giving his father a chance to speak.

The emperor smiled as he soon as he was sure tharn was gone, his son remained him of his younger self, who had fought to marry his empress. His parents then had wanted to stop his marriage cause the empress was not from a royal family and to be plain not the princess they wanted him to marry. He had fought for their love and won. His son was just like him, he new what he wanted and went for it.


The past month was a constant frenze of people going and coming into the palace, the search for the escaped prisoner was still going on and was spear headed by general Lia herself. They had searched the entire town and now moving to other towns, even Lhongs family residence was thoroughly searched, his brothers and parents taken in for questioning. But after realising that they knew nothing, they were sent back home and warned to report back to the palace if lhong was ever stupid enough to go home.

On other news, Tharn was beyond worrier and angry, this past months had been hard for him and mostly for Type, his omega had been suffering through nightmares ever since the news of Lhong escape reached his ears, in real life the omega seemed fine and strong, he was healthy and the baby growing fine.
Type was now well into his fourth month of pregnancy .
At night was another case, the past month Tharn has lost count of the number of times he has woken up to the screams of type at midnight or just past.
Some nights, he will console the omega and eventually his would go back to sleep while lying on his chest, while other times like tonight type found it harder to go back to sleep, he would wake up in tears or Tharn would be the one to wake him from the dream.


Tharn opened his eyes and he knew immediately why, when he heard the sobs coming from the other side of the bed, he immediately got into a sitting position and went to the omega crying in his sleep beside him, it broke his heart to hear the cries of his mate, and he knew if he ever got his hands on Lhong ever again he would kill the man without hesitation.

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