His New Home

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Chapter five

Type's pov

The next two weeks was spent preparing for the binding ceremony ,he has been running around town from shop to shop, either looking for the right clothes or flowers or any other of the million things his future mother in law deemed vital for the ce...

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The next two weeks was spent preparing for the binding ceremony ,he has been running around town from shop to shop, either looking for the right clothes or flowers or any other of the million things his future mother in law deemed vital for the ceremony .

For a ceremony that was just for fifty guest it was getting out of hand.
By the end of the two weeks all was set for the ceremony, and he had already spent time with Lhong on several occasions. They spent the time talking and getting to know each other better.

Today was his day, the ceremony was to start soon and he had spent the entire morning being pampered by his mother in law, he was wearing his ceremonial robes made with a beautiful red cloth that shined when light touches it, it was custom made by the tailors as requested by his mother in law.
Everyone one in the room kept saying he looked absolutely radiant and Lhong would love it on him, They were right cause the person looking back at him was not him, this person was the perfect omega Bride that men will envy Lhong for.

When it was time for the ceremony to start, he was led to the alter prepared for the ceremony, he stood  by his future mate  with his vail covering his face from view.
After the vows were exchanged and other rights performed they were declared mates.
Everyone cheered for them and trew flower and rice wishing them goodluck.
After which Lhong removed his vail and the roars got even louder, The smile on Lhongs face when he looked at him left him week in the kneels.
The ceremony went on  after that with people congratulating them in person, well it was more like people praising Lhong for getting such a beautiful male omega as his.

This Made him feel more like a price than anything else, but who was he to look down on them when he practically sold himself to this man.

But then he met Lhongs close friends, the first was an Alpha woman name Pring, then a tall beta man name Mist and finally an Alpha named Tharn.

He was the most handsome man Type had ever seen, he had fair skin and brown eyes that seem to hold all the knowledge in the world in them, Then he smiled at type and type swore he felt his heart rate increase and sweat on his neck, it was like the world stood still to witness that smile, that was when Lhong choose to introduce him as well.
"Type this is my best friend and crown prince of the empire Tharn, and Tharn this the love of my life Type", said Lhong, bringing Type back to reality.

"It's an honor to meet you your highness," said Type in greeting.

Tharn was lost for words, the creature in front of him was exquisite, radiant, beautiful, with those sexy pouty lips,beautiful golden skin and completely irresistible,God's help him his entire body was on fire. How could anyone be this perfect, he had seen Type from Afar, but up close there was no denying the truth ,Type was his Type, he was what Tharn had been searching for in those other omegas and he didn't even know it. Now he understood why his friend kept type away from him all this years, he knew Tharn would have courted him and would have taken Type away from him ,After all Lhong knew him and what he like. A wave of sadness took over him at that moment ,because he then realised that he had lost the person of his dreams the same day he found them.

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