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Seven months later

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Seven months later

The last seven months has been hell for Tharn After Type left with Lhong, since then he had been trying to get in contact with Type, but every effort he made to see the man was crushed by Lhongs actions, every time he went to visit Lhong in hope that he might see Type, he was always dissapointed, because the man never seem to be home.
At first Tharn thought may be Lhong was lying, and didn't want him to see Type, but on several occasions he saw the longing in the man's eyes when he asked about Type, and then it became clear, something was wrong between  Lhong and Type, but lhong refused to open up to him.
So Tharn spent his days carringout his duties as the crown prince, as his duties seem to grow with each passing day.
The past one month has been especially tense, with the empire of gugaero trying to wage war on the Gusu empire, requesting the Empire of Gusu surrender to their rule.
The Gugaero empire was from the Far East, they had an army that could challenge that of Gusu in equal strength, but unlike Gusu who uses that strength to promote peace and safety for she and her people, the Gugaero empire wishes to conquer all the neighboring lands and empires by making it theirs and a subordinate of their Empire.
Gusu had refused to surrender no matter how many treats  that was sent, but just last month, a little village in the Gusu territory was burned to the ground with nothing left.
children were left homeless and some orphaned as well, women watched their husbands ,brothers and fathers be murdered in front of them and after which some of them were raped and those who fought back killed as well.
The whole situation was a complete tragedy, and that was all the asurrance the emperor  of Gusu needed to wage war between the two Empires .

He was going to take revenge for those innocent lives lost and bring back safety to the empire.
Tharn was filled with rage that could rival the heat of a volcano ready to erupt.
He had spent the last month preparing for war, all the armies were ready to match into battle and protect their nation . He as the General was leading the charge, those bastards must pay for their crimes. He was set to leave in two days.

The past several months as been hell for Lhong, so much has happened and so much has been lost. Lhongs thought he new pain, but his pain started  the day he brought his omega, Type, back home.
He remembers that day like it was yesterday, Type had willing left the palace without any fuss and had came home with him, he was so happy, maybe his mate had started to forgive him or if he was lucky he had already been forgiven, but how wrong he was.

Immediately Type entered the Nnongs residence, he had gone to his quarters and, he didn't come back out until dinner was ready.
He greeted the entire family even and greeted Kim has well, whose pregnancy was now very pronounced, all this he did in a neutral tone like the night before. Now that he taught about it Type had not shown any form of emotion since he came back, not that they had spent much time together, so he didn't read too much into it.

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