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****×******×******×******Type woke up the next morning to an empty bed, at first the feeling that overcame him was panic, where was Tharn

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Type woke up the next morning to an empty bed, at first the feeling that overcame him was panic, where was Tharn.He looked around the room  and his suspicions was correct, the Alpha had left without a word, his armour and  some essentials were gone. Had the man gotten what he wanted from him and left, he was scared, he could not go through another heart break again, he won't survive it, at least, the last time he left the man heartbroken, they had not become one and their souls bonded as one, that's why he was able to survive it. But now it's different, please! by the heavens let this not be the case, thought Type ,as tears began to gather in his eyes, just then, he looked at the did side of the bed, and saw an open scroll with his name on it, he wipe away the tears and picked it up.

The 📜 reads"My love, my heart, my soul mate, Type. It pains me to leave without seeing those beautiful eyes of yours, but at least I enjoyed watching you sleep.
My men and I ,had to Leave before dawn in other to make the journey on time to Duhgun city.
I didn't  want to wake you cause I felt responsible for you, how previous night activities had left you weak and tired and you looked so peaceful asleep, I didn't want to say goodbye my love, so I left like a coward, but I promise you this, on my life, I will see you again, and  make love to  you  when I do, hopefully in the next two weeks.
Stay safe my love and wait for me.
Your soulmate ,
Prince Tharn Suppasit.

That was a week ago now, Type was currently doing his rounds in the medic tent with his colleagues. No day went by that he doesn't think of Tharn, his smile, his eyes, his touch and oh!  His body that make type hunger for him with each passing day.  As he kept counting down the days, until they meet again.
He had to distract himself, so he buried himself in work and learning in other to keep his thoughts away from the man who had taken every part of him and made it his.
On that faithful morning, Mrs Kun,came into the tent and gathered everyone together.
"I have an announcement to make, firstly, the negotiation with Duhgun's ruler was successful, and  we are moving the camp to the border between Duhgun city and Meg city, where we will  be reunited with the rest of the soldiers."she said.
Everyone cheered  at that ,at least one battle was avoided and so was the blood shed.
Type  could breath easier for the first time in days, Tharn was safe and okay and  on top of that, he will get to see the man soon and he could not be any happier .
Anyone who saw him after that news knew he was excited, but they thought it was just for the same reason they were as well, only Mrs kun gave him a smug smile that said" I know whats on your mind".
But he didn't care for he was extremely excited to see his love.


It's been one week since Tharn left the camp and type as well, he remembers that morning, how hard it was for him to leave the sleeping omega on his bed, he looked so beautiful and peaceful, he had tired the man out the previous night and he knew if type were to wake up then, he would have dragged the omega along with him to Duhgun city under some false pretenses .
So instead he left and only leaving a scroll behind to explain himself, this past week had been torture for him being away from his omega,his soulmate. But now the message had been sent to the camp, all he had to do was wait for the next one week before joining them at the camp.

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