We eventually quieted down a bit to eat, but we still bragged over our last goal. I didn't like boasting, but I could get used to this. Michael, Kyle, and I were the first to start heading to the school once we paid for our food. Carter brought a few beers, so I drank one, before deciding to head to mine.


Ashton was there when I pulled in. He was sat on the couch, chatting with Jack. He didn't even notice me until I threw my keys on the table by the door.

He greeted me with a kiss before pulling me up to his room. "What'd y'all do at the restaurant?" He questioned, pushing my bedroom door opened. I shrugged with a smile, just replying, "Bonded."

"Let me guess," he snickered, "Carter was bonding with every girl waitress there." He rolled his eyes. I let out a laugh, shaking my head.

"Nah, me and Carter chatted a bit. Kyle was the flirt out of us," I tell him. He sends me an almost confused expression when I said that. I almost tried to fix it. I closed the bedroom door behind us.

"So," he starts. "You and Carter friends now?" he ponders.
"A little," I reply.
"Seriously?" He snorts.
"Seriously," I nod.

He sits down on my bed with a pout. I playfully straddle him, giving him a grin. "Is little Ashy jealous?" I smile, poking his nose. He shakes his head, that cute little pout still there. I press my lips to his, letting my hand rest on his cheek. I pull away when he bites into my lip roughly. He always did that when he had something to say. It annoyed me.

"Were you drinking?" He ponders, almost shocked. I shrug, "One bottle," I stand up for myself. His eyebrows furrow as he looks into my eyes for a few moments. "And you drove?"

I ignored the question, not wanting to answer it. It's not like I was drinking illegally, nor was I drunk, so, I didn't understand why he was worried. It almost like he read my thoughts, because his shoulders slumped.

"M'sorry, I just don't want you hurt," he mumbles, pressing a soft kiss to my lips once more. I nod slightly, not wanted him to pull back. His arms looped around my neck as I tried to deepen it, which he complied to.

It didn't last long before Jack was yelling I had a drunk friend at the door. I wasn't shocked to find it was Michael, but I was shocked to see Carter was with him. I greeted him with a nod, inviting them in. I saw Ashton was ready to hit me once he saw them, but smiled nonetheless. Carter had the same reaction.

"Didn't realise you had.. company," he tries to smile at Ashton; that obviously didn't work.
"Didn't realise we were gonna have anymore," Ashton snorts. Michael was now clung to me, making this awkward situation almost difficult for me. I gave Ashton pleading eyes. He sighed before physically complying and getting Michael off of me, nodding at Carter.

I've never really looked at Carter's appearance. He had brown hair, pale skin, green eyes, and seemed to always were his varsity jacket everywhere. He was almost my height, maybe a half an inch shorter, and was broad. He wasn't bad looking, at all.

Ashton plopped down on the couch with Michael mumbling things to him in his ear, making him laugh and push on him, but Michael was like a sloth to his 'home tree' or something. Carter smiled at me. "So, you and Ashton are close," he says, almost as an apology. "You couldn't tell?" I ask, glancing at him.

"I mean, when you stood up for him I thought it was maybe because he was the new kid, y'know? I'm sorry, bro," he smiles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I nodded in understanding, sending him a smile. "Thanks for droppin' Mike off. I leave him alone for 5 fuckin' minutes," I grumble. He laughs, nodding in agreement.

"I always hate week day games. I gotta get going, see ya' tomorrow," he waves, walking out the door before I can even say goodbye.

"So much for alone time," Ashton rolls his eyes. I shrug, sitting on the other side of him, away from the screaming coloured haired boy. I take his free hand in mine, smiling at him.

"Oh, well. I love you," I smile, causing one to grow on his face.

"And I love you, you dorkesorus-rex," he giggles, pressing a sloppy kiss to my neck, causing the skin to become wet. I almost groaned.

"Dorkesorus-rex?" I chuckle, "I like that." He laughs, Michael had fallen asleep on him now. We decided to leave him to sleep on the couch, sneaking up to my room.

It wasn't long before Ashton had to go, we probably had 10 minutes, but we tried to make the most of it. We laid down side by side at first, Ashton pressed against the wall and me almost falling off the bed. We shifted so we could hold each other, legs tangled. You could tell I'd only put on cologne 2 hours ago.

I rested my head on his, which was on my chest. His breathing was coming out in even huffs, so I just assumed he was asleep. I traced irregular shapes into his lower back, making his shirt ride up. I jumped once I felt his warm lips ghosting over my jawline before attaching to my neck, sucking softly.

I felt a grin grow across my face as my hands moved to his waist; I aimlessly played with the fabric that was covering his skin. I let out a soft groan once he nipped at the skin. There was obviously going to be a mark there. "Mine," he mumbles. Yeah, there was a mark.

He giggles, leaning back so he could look at my face. "Dorkesorus-rex," he smiles, pressing his lips to mine lazily. I kissed back with no hesitation. His hands found my cheeks as I brought him closer with my hands that never moved. I nipped at his lip playfully, making him groan. I chuckled, pressing my lips back to his fully.

We pulled back. His hands were still on my cheeks, thumbs caressing the bone there. I closed my eyes and let out a hum.

By the time I reopened my eyes, Ashton had shifted so he was halfway on top of me, his head resting on my chest. His legs were still tangled in mine, which had going numb a while ago. Hundreds of thousands of pins sticking up and down my legs, I couldn't find myself to care. I have never felt more happy than I did in this moment. His hand rubbing at my side, his hair tickling my nose. I loved him.

He stirred a little, shifting so his chin was resting on my chest. A childish smile spread across his face. His eyes were hooded, only showing a small bit of that hazel colour I loved.

It seems like him leaving slipped our minds as we lied there. He let himself drift, holding onto me like I might actually leave him. I closed my eyes too, letting sleep take over me. My only hope was for his frail figure to be here in the morning.

He was.

Only 15 more chapters😶

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