She jumped up quickly and looked around, of course the room was too clean to be Conor's.

"I thought this was Conor's room," She admitted, climbing out of his bed.

He glanced at her hair which was currently all over the place and rolled his eyes, "Whtever."

The last conversation they had entered her mind and she realized how annoyed she was at Preston. Not only had he called her names but he had also treated her best friend like dirt.

He raised his eyebrows as she continued to stare at him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

She rolled her eyes, "Because you're an asshole."

She walked away from him, only to be dragged back by her elbow, "If this is about the camping trip then I'm sorry for everything that I said about you. I didn't know you had an eating disorder."

She looked at his hand that was wrapped around her elbow threateningly and he glanced at her annoyed face before he quickly released it, resting his hand back by his side once again.

"One, Don't touch me and two, if you tell anyone about that I swear I will make you regret it," She held her finger in front of his face and he smirked at her threat, but made no comment about it.

"I'm shocked that you think I'd tell someone about that. Since when I have I been one to tell your secrets?" He asked, his voice almost turning into a growl.

She shook her head, "You Don't know any of my secrets to tell."

He shrugged, "I know enough."

She stared at him questioningly and he spoke up before she could say anything.

"And besides, why would I be talking about you anyway? There's better topics of conversation."

Her eyes rolled before she could stop them and she spoke up, not giving him the chance to interrupt her again, "I'm just saying, if I do happen to come up in conversation then don't mention anything about what I told you, to anyone."

"So not even Conor? I'm assuming he'd know about this."

"Of course he knows but I don't want him to know that you know," She explained with frustration.

He held his hands up, "Alright I won't say anything. Damn."

She turned away from him and began to walk out of the room, only for him to grab her wrist and pull her back again.

"You know, if you want to say something to me a simple 'wait' would suffice. You don't have to grab me," She pointed out.

He knitted his eyebrows together, "I'd never judge you for that, by the way. You do know that, right?" He asked, his voice suddenly turning low.

She stared at him in surprise and shrugged, "I don't know, you don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to being kind to me."

He pursed his lips, "This is different, this is serious."

"Still. If you're not a nice person in general then you're not going to suddenly be nice to me because of one thing," She grunted.

"Hold on. No one said I was going to be nice to you. I just said I wouldn't tell anyone and that I'm not going to judge you for it. There's a lot of other things that I can judge you for. Don't mistake me being a decent person for me actually liking you," He told her, a smirk forming on his lips.

She pursed her lips, "Whatever, if I try to leave this time am I going to be grabbed by you before I get the chance?"

He shook his head and she sighed, relief washing over her.

Falling for my roommateWhere stories live. Discover now