~L~ Earth Things

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(Reader with wings, basically a part two to the previous chapter.)

(Y/n)'s POV

With Loki's return to Earth, was both the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D's watchful eyes. He promised he had changed, no one believed him. I may have not fully trusted him, but I gave him a chance. While Thor was away to help with otherworldly things, everyone decided to hand Loki over to me. If we went out anywhere, he had to be chained by a hand, held like a dog on a leash. He stayed on my floor at the Avengers tower, and I gave him free range around it. As I woke up, I noticed how quiet it was. Some mornings I would find Loki watching TV, but something told me he was in the library. I got dressed, and did something to make my hair look decent. As I suspected, he was cross-legged in the windowsill, book in his hands.
  "Good morning, Trickster." I said, leaning against the wall close to him. His eyes moved up to mine, a smile growing on his face.
  "Good morning, Songbird. Sleep well?" He asked, putting a bookmark in his spot before closing the book.
  "I did. What book did you find today?" I asked, sitting next to him as he moved his legs.
  "Norse mythology. Do you know how many things are incorrect in this thing?" He asked, holding it up with one hand. I laughed, nodding.
  "Believe me, I know. I've never seen Thor more annoyed in his life." I said, and he chuckled. It was nice to see him smile, it felt like an accomplishment for me to get him to do so.
  "Well, at least you know right from wrong. You know more about Asgard than any other Midgardian I know." He said, smiling more.
  "Well, I could say you know a lot about Earth, but you've barely even touched the surface." I said through a laugh, and he laughed. His eyes locked on mine, and suddenly the room was silent. There was always something about him, the way he could just look at me, or even talk, that just made me speechless.
  "You could always teach me, we have all the time in the world."

~Some Time Later~

  "So let me get this straight.... Midgardians have genders, and being with the same one is frowned upon?" He asked, and I nodded.
  "Some support it, but yes, it is." I replied, and his nose scrunched up slightly in thought. He was layed out across the couch, and I layed out on the floor close by, wings stretched out on either side of me.
  "People don't care about who falls in love with who on Asgard. If you love someone, that shouldn't matter. Besides, genders aren't really a thing on Asgard either. We just choose to be what we want." He said, and I nodded.
  "I agree. But, some just don't want to see the full picture." I said, and after a moment of complete silence, Loki spoke again out of thought.
  "Hey, didn't Stark say that something new was installed yesterday?" He asked, making me think. I sat up, remembering.
  "A pool, it's done today. Wanna go for a swim?" I asked, and he nodded.
  "Sure, meet me at the elevator in.... Five minutes?" He asked, and I nodded. Exactly five minutes later, I met him by the elevator. Towel wrapped around my waist, barefooted and blushing, I got into the elevator with him.
  "It's been years since I've been in a pool, it'll bring back some memories." I said softly, looking over at him. He smiled, tucking a jet black strand of hair behind his ear. It was a contrast to his pale skin, which was only covered by his swim trunks and the towel his other arm held to his stomach.
  "I'm surprised you can swim with your wings." He said, and I lifted them slightly from around me.
  "They get a bit heavy after being wet, but they can get me through the water pretty fast. It just takes them some time to dry completely on their own." I explained, and he nodded.
  "Can I see them?" He asked, and I nodded. I extended one to him, holding in a shudder as his hands met my wing. Not even a second later the elevator stopped, the door opening. He let it go, gesturing for me to go. I looked outside, seeing no signs of the team. I giggled, pulling him along like we were teens sneaking out of the house.
  "Come on! Who knows how long we'll have the pool to ourselves!" I said, and he chuckled, picking up his pace. We made in in, and he put down his towel, looking at me. I pulled my eyes from his bare skin, hesitantly pulling the towel off me.
  "Ready?" He asked, and I nodded.
  "Question is, are you?" I asked, smirking as I ran towards the pool, picking myself up with one powerful beat of my wings. It threw me into the pool, a huge splash in my wake. I came back up, whipping the wet hair from my face. I giggled at the sight of Loki, who had shielded himself from my splash.
  "Really now? It's on!" He said, leaping in. I squealed, pulling a wing up to block the water. Suddenly he shot back up, arms shooting around my waist and picking me up. I squealed again, giggling as I heard his echoing laughter. His hair was over his eyes, askew over his shoulders. I smiled, moving the hair from his face. His eyes glowed in the blue lighting of the pool, looking right into mine.
  "Hi." I said softly, putting my arms around his neck.
  "Hello." He replied back, eyes scanning my face. After a second, I broke the silence.
  "Y'know, it's times like these that I wonder..... How did I not know that you were so loveable?" I said, and his cheeks reddened.
  "I.... I don't know." He said, and I laughed, kissing his nose. He chuckled, holding me closer.
  "Well, I know who I will explore the world with." I said, and he smiled.
  "And who would that be?" He asked playfully.
  "Mm, maybe a devilishly handsome Asgardian, tall with hair as dark as night, and eyes like ice. Sound familiar?" I asked, looking up at him.
  "Yes, my dear. And I would go anywhere, just to be by your side." He said, leaning in. I giggled happily at the soft kiss, sighing.
  "Finally, now there won't be so much tension between you two."

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