~L~ Children

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(In this you are being a surrogate for your best friend.)

(Y/n)'s POV

"I promise you Loki, I'm fine." I reassured, resting against the bar. The trickster had just gotten back from Asgard a week back, and was being the most overreactive person I'd ever met. I explained that I was carrying for (friend name), and he wanted to help me with practically anything.
"Are you sure you don't need anything?" He asked, and Peter walked in.
"Loki, I'm fine. It was just a kick, I'll live." I said, and the teen came over.
"She kicked?" Peter questioned. I nodded, and the two got closer.
"She's still doing it, feel." I said, grabbing his hand and placing it on the top of my swollen belly. Peter's face lit up, and I smiled.
"That's cool! Does it hurt?" He asked, removing his hand.
"Not that much, she does get a bit feisty sometimes though." I replied, and the teen hummed, going off to the lab.
"Can I?" Loki asked, and I nodded. His hand delicately met my stomach, and he tilted his head in amusement as he felt. I relaxed at his cold touch, and he moved to stand in front of me.
"Finally, she settles down." I sighed, and Loki chuckled, both hands now caressing my sides.
"Midgardian reproduction is quite interesting. Especially the carrying process. How did they do it?" He asked. I stood up completely, explaining as I grabbed Peter's backpack, putting it by the lab since I knew he'd need it.
"I think she's due in three weeks." I said, and Loki gave a confused expression.
"Due?" He questioned. I suddenly felt something I hadn't before, and our plans were quickly about to change.
"Well, I never get what I want, do I?" I asked myself, grabbing my phone.
"What? What's wrong?" He asked.
"My water broke, we need to get to the hospital now." I said, and I called (friend name). She was on her way to the hospital, and Loki scooped me up, swiftly walking to the car. He placed me gently in the passenger seat, and got on the road. Thankfully the hospital wasn't far away, because it was coming, and wasn't gonna stop.

~Time Skip~

"(Y/n), thank you so much for this. You have no idea how happy I am." (Friend name) said. I smiled, sitting up. The baby was beautiful, the only thing that looked like me was her beautiful eyes.
"I told you I'd do it. What's her name?" I asked. Loki and (f/n)'s husband were allowed in, and Loki immediately sat down next to me.
"Her name is Aspen (Y/n) (f/l/n)." She said, and the two rocked the newborn.
"How was it?" Loki asked, wrapping an arm around me.
"Painful. But it's all worth it." I said, and he looked at Aspen.
"Do you want to hold her?" (F/n) asked. I held her again as Loki shook his head, and he looked at the newborn.
"She's beautiful." Loki said. I giggled, and he traced a finger along her forehead. I looked up at him, seeing joy in his eyes. I gave Aspen back, and we talked for a while before heading back. I rested on the couch, pooped. Loki sat next to me on the floor, and his fingers slipped into mine.
"I want one." He said softly. I kissed him, giggling.
"Let me rest a while, I've carried her for nine months." I said, and his eyes widened.
"Babe, there's a lot you need to learn before you get one."

Loki x Reader Oneshots (INCLUDING TOM HIDDLESTON)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant