~TH~ Laughter

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(Y/n)'s POV

  "Yeah! I'd love to!" I said to Hemsworth, who had just invited Tom and I to eat with the some of the crew tonight. Tom cocked his head, and I mouthed 'dinner'. He nodded, scooting over to let me sit next to him.
  "Wonderful! I'll swing by at 6:20 ish, then we'll head off." He said.
  "Alright, see you then!" I said, and hung up. I looked to Tom, then checked the time.
  "Well, I'd better go get ready. You alright going with the crew for dinner?" I asked. He nodded, smiling.
  "Of course! When will we go?" He asked.
  "Hemsworth said around 6:20, so I have about 30 minutes to get ready. We're going to (Fave restaurant)." I explained, and he nodded.
  "I'll join you, because we all know it's going to take me most of those 30 minutes to figure out an outfit." He said. I giggled, going to the bathroom.

~Time Skip~

  "Ready?" I asked, standing outside of Tom's room.
  "Yup, except for this." He said, opening the door. He was in a casual looking suit, with an untied tie that matched my outfit. I giggled, helping him out.
  "There. You know you didn't have to dress so fancy." I joked, and he stuck out his lower lip in a sarcastic pout.
  "Does that mean I have to change?" He said, making me laugh.
  "No hun, you look great." I said, and he smiled. I could always tell when he was truly amused or happy, his eyes told me.
  "As do you dear. Now, shall we?" He asked, offering me his arm. I smiled, linking my arm in his.
  "Yes." I said. We walked outside, and I leaned against the rail as we waited. Chris soon pulled up, and familiar faces were also in the car. I climbed in the back seat, Tom followed behind.
  "Hey Underoos." I joked, using Tom Holland's nickname.
  "Hey, that's my line." Robert said. I laughed, shaking his hand.
  "It's nice to meet you, (Y/n)." Holland said.
  "Same here. Now let's get this show on the road!" I said, and Chris drove off.

~Another Time Skippy~

  "So, anything interesting going on with you guys?" I asked as we ate.
  "Not much, it's just my dog and I for the last week." Holland said.
  "I've been working on set for a bit, and good grief. The knew movie's gonna be good." Chris said.

Tom's POV

As the others kept talking, all I could listen to was (Y/n). The jokes rolled, and her wonderful laugh echoed through the room. Seeing her this happy always lightened my day, and her laugh was contagious. Chris gave me a knowing look, and I put a finger to my lips. He nodded, and I sighed in relief.

(Y/n)'s POV

I wiped the tears from my eyes, still giggling. We kept making jokes, just being our weird selves. I was soon laughing so hard that I couldn't see, holding my stomach as an airy laugh escaped my lips. Tom was laughing too, and we leaned on one another for support. Time rolled on, and it became late. We finished up dinner, and Chris took us home.
  "Thank you for inviting us! We had a lot of fun!" I said as we walked towards the house.
  "It's no problem! See ya!" Chris said, and we waved as they left. I changed back into comfortable clothes, sighing happily as I fell on the couch.
  "Tonight was fun." Tom said, back in the clothes he was in before.
  "Very much so." I said, yawning. Tom propped his feet on the coffee table in front of us as he sat down, and his hand absentmindedly rested on mine. I smiled, intertwining our fingers. He chuckled softly, and I leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder. His head rested on mine, and we just enjoyed each other in silence for a few minutes.
  "Did you know you have the best laugh?" Tom said suddenly. I giggled, and he rubbed the back of my hand.
  "I did not. What makes you say that?" I asked. He sighed, and we looked at each other.
  "Something about it, the sound, or just your body language. It always lightens my mood, and it's extremely contagious. The gleam in your eyes, and how genuinely happy you are just makes me happy. It's wonderful, really." He explained. I blushed, but smiled.
  "That's sweet of you. To be genuinely honest, that's what your smile does to me." I admitted. He chuckled, his eyes just stayed locked with mine. I turned to him, and he turned to me.
  "And your eyes. No matter how much you may or may not cover up your true emotion, your eyes never lie. Like right now." I explained. He nodded, getting closer.
  "My dear, may I ask something of you?" He asked.
  "Mhm." I answered. His hand lightly brushed my cheek, and his eyes ever so slightly dilated.
  "Can be forever lost in your eyes? And can I be the one to always hear the wonderful laughter of yours? Let me just be brutally honest.... Can I kiss you, and make you mine?" He asked. I giggled softly, taking in the colors of his eyes.
  "How long I've wanted to hear something like that. Of course, my love." I said. He closed the gap between us, a feather light kiss met my lips. I wrapped my arms around him, and I felt a small smile tug his lips.
  "I love you (Y/n)." He said, wrapping his arms around me gently.
  "I love you too Tom. More than anything."

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