~L~ My Darling Queen

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(Y/n)'s POV

I sat at the edge of the hill, breathing in the salty sweet smell of the ocean. A warm content settled within me, this was a good day. After Thanos came, snapping away half of the universe, things had changed dramatically on Earth. I escaped to New Asgard, where the survivors now lived. It was as peaceful as could be in a time like this, and I call it home. Poor Thor has met his breaking point, and he's gone downhill. I tried my best to help him, but he pushed me away. A few Asgardians befriended me, but now I seem to just like the peace and quiet of being alone. I came up here almost every day, singing songs. I mostly sang the few I know Loki loved, and took things for me to do. I would shine his helmet, weaving baskets for the market, or just something to color. Today, something new happened. Rocket and Banner came, I could sense that something was up.
"Finally we find you, why in the hell are you up here?" Rocket groaned, sitting down. I laughed softly, giving him a small hug.
"Nice to see you too. Hey Banner." I said, giving him a hug too before sitting down again.
"Hey (Y/n). How's life been treating you?" He asked. I looked down at Loki's helmet, letting my fingers trace over the patterns in it with a weak smile.
"It depends on the day, or as Loki would say, it varies from moment to moment." I said, looking up at Bruce. He smiled, remembering.
"Today good?" Rocket asked.
"It has been quite peaceful today. I feel him today." I said. Banner perked up, knowing well of the power I have.
"Do you sense him? Or is it just a feeling?" He asked. I stayed quiet, taking a second to actually focus.
"I can't tell, give me a minute." I said, closing my eyes. I reached for his connection, finding something.
"What is it?" Rocket asked, and Banner shushed him.
"Loki? Are you there?" I asked softly.
"My darling, is that you?!" His voice answered. I gasped, and my hands gripped the dirt as tears sprung to my eyes.
"Loki, it's me! Where are you?! Are you alright?!" I asked quickly, trying to see what he was.
"I am alright. My darling (Y/n), I've missed you so....... Where are you? I can't see." He said, longing filled the both of us.
"I'm on Midgard. The Asgardians have made refuge here. Where are you Loki?" I asked again, finally seeing the outline of him.
"I don't know...... Sing to me (Y/n), help me see you." He said, his voice sounding closer now. I took a shaky breath, and Banner rested a large hand on mine.
"Okay, what song?" I asked.
"Toy Guns, I think you called it. Please." He said, and I cleared my throat. I sang to him, trying not to break down. It had been so long since I'd even heard his voice, and I was in tears from now being able to see him. He smiled, his eyes glistening with tears. As I finished the song, he disappeared.
"Loki?!" I yelped, scared of loosing him once more.
"Hello, my sweet (Y/n)." A voice said behind me. I turned around, breaking down on the spot. Arms held me close, and I clung to Loki. I held him close, taking in his smell and touch, relief and joy flooded me. Loki sighed happily, showering my face in delicate kisses. He wiped my tears, and I kissed his smiling face.
"Don't ever do that again." I whispered as I hugged him tightly.
"I won't." He said, stroking my hair softly.
"Wow. Y'all have some weird ass powers." Rocket stated. I laughed softly, and Loki looked at the small raccoon.
"This is Rocket, a good friend of mine." I said, and Loki shook his hand.
"Hello again, Bruce. I see you've made some life changes." Loki said, looking at him. Banner smiled, and we all got up.
"Let's go see Thor." I said. Loki hugged me suddenly, holding me close.
"Okay. After I tell you this." He said. The duo walked away, going towards Thor's hut.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Will you be my Queen? Even if there isn't any place to rule?" He asked. I smiled, kissing the Jotun.
"Yes, I'd be honored to. My King, I am yours." I said, kissing his jawline.
"As am I. I love you dearly, my precious Queen."

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