(🚺) Louis x Fiancée 🍋

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Requested: @AshliDinkelman

(Guys, just to clear this up. Louis is not cheating on the reader. He is not cheating on the reader!
   I don't even know where u guys are coming up with Haru and Louis going out, but that's not the case. Haru just wants to know how he's doing and Legoshi too as compared to the manga.
    I kind of place him as to where he was when he disappeared from school.)

2nd Person~
    "It was always going to come sooner than later," your mother would say that phrase every time she would see you as a warning; but that was a long time ago when you last saw her.


    Food was laid out on the table as the wine was ready to be served in a bucket of ice. Then you realize that he wasn't old enough to drink so you put up the wine and took out his favorite drink instead. Now, all you needed was for him to come visit like he said he would; and so you waited for him at the living room watching a movie to past time.
    When you heard the door open and Louis announced he was home, you perked up in excitement. Walking over to him with an amused smile he returns with a bag of acholo in front of you. You looked stun at this, you try to complain to him that he wasn't in age for legal drinking, but he just waved it off. Ignoring what you had said as he placed the bag inside the fridge and replacing the two drinks with beer.
     There was no point of arguing with him as you sat down with him following behind and so you both started to eat.

"How was your day?" You started off.

"Ignoring as usual, but slow. What about you?"

"Well. I've just sent my portfolio and resume to the Wayne Enterprise as an assistant, very much nervous for the results. And I brought some ingredients at the fresh market to which I found your friend, Legoshi?" Louis frowns over at you a bit disappointed "he wants you to contact him as he said something about a girl name "Haru,"who wants to talk to you. Oh, and I made  your favorite, so, I guess it was good day." Louis takes a a small glance at you, but doesn't see a change of expression other than those eyes that shined with bright colors when you admire your dish that you cooked hard to taste good.

"Let's eat, before it gets cold," the both of you begun eating, as you picked topics to make the atmosphere warm, knowing that he doesn't speak about himself much you kind of felt distance with him, when it envolver with his school life.
    After dinner was done, the both of you cleaned the dishes and table before going to the living room to just unwind. But that wasn't what you wanted, you wanted something more from him, answers perhaps.

"Louis/ Y/n." The both of you stared at each other as you began to let a small laugh out "go first," you stated.
    After you finished your chuckles, Louis stared at you with such seriousness that it kind of sent goosebumps. He averts his attention somewhere else, other than you. "Y/n, I've been meaning to ask," it was obvious he wasn't comfortable as you watch his hand rub his arm. This sighting of seeing Louis so vulnerable made you feel guilty.

"Do you, only like my money and reputation?" He doesn't even give you a glance as he takes a large jug from his drink. The couch moved, indicting that you got up from your spot, your hands was soon placed onto his thighs, where your head lays against them with your body sitting on the floor next to his legs.

"I did, of course, as I was forced into this arranged marriage; but. I soon became to develop feelings for a man that works for the black market." Your hands trail down his thighs, catching him off guard.

"And Louis," a hand comes up to his jaw, forcing him to gently turn his attention back on you. There was no use of looking away as he sees a face he adore right at his face with a grinster smirk.

Beastars x reader (discontinue)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora