Louis x Bunny Mafia

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This is really short. Sorry. I will write more for this chap if u guys like it

2nd Person-
    His eyes fixed on yours as you slowly take the dagger out from the neck you were holding in your hands. It makes a thump with blood quickly flowing out.
"Red deer, Louis." You swing the dagger to the side, forcing the liquid to splash off of it and onto the floor.

"And you are?" As he speaks, pair of glowing eyes peak from behind you as you just stood watching how he stares at the prende from behind you.

"I'm L/n of the East side. The Dark Bunny, ironic considering that I'm black and, a bunny. And you're the new boss of the Shishigumi gang." A napkin pops up in your view as you take it and warp the blade inside of it.

"I didn't know I was gonna have visitors," you clearly spoke aloud for the rest of the members to hear your uneasy tone.

"We apologize, he enter without our knowled-" Louis watches the show unfold as you roll your eyes at their answers and ignore them.

"Must be here for the trade I suppose?" Two of your members drag the dead lizard out of the room to who knows where.

"Yes. It seemed you did not agree with the agreements," a scoff was heard from you. The lights flickered to reveal no blood on the floor no longer, instead it was spotless.

"You mean, yours. Let's discuss this else where, yeah?" The both of you walked in silence as the two of you come across a double set of doors. Entering in first, you take a seat in front of a coffee table.

"It's about making a pact with you, is it not?" The couch welcomed you in comfort as Louis sits like a deer on alert.

"Your group is one of the biggest mob I've ever seen, we can earn a fair share if we both make a pact together."

"Listen, Louis. It's not that I don't have anything against you, but you got to understand. I don't care much about titles, my reputation and if I join an agreement with you, it's what I can gain from it. From what I see from you, seems like a good idea, but a wrong time-" A pause was drifted in the air as you sign in annoyance.

"I'll have to think about it... Okay." Now that you actually seen the big man that the lions care so much about, you notice that he was trust worthy by the way he compose himself and spoke.

"Louis, I hate the fact that you said so little, but enough for me to rethink my thoughts," quickly averting your gaze away from him, you clenched your hands together on your lap as you can't help but to feel an unwelcome warmth on cheeks.

Tell me what u guys think, I'm tired and I'm going to sleep and happy late New Years.


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