(🚺) Louis x Sad night thoughts

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Guys, I've decided to make a pattern. Like , Lemon, normal oneshots, lemons, and normal oneshots. You get the idea, Okay? Okay~

2nd Person~
Watching the leaves fall from the tree was relaxing, listening to the wind howl as the chilling air brush up your fur was pleasant, but the voices that taunted you was unbearable.
Watching your life become a cycle sacred you, to see how you lived each day over and over. Repeating itself, as if it was a merry-go-round, it was tiring and you were, tried.
Nothing pleases you, your friends weren't there when you badly wanted to simply be with them. To enjoy someone's warmth, to feel how happy you were. There was of course one friend who you desperately tried to keep the relationship, watching him fade away wasn't on him, he made sure that his strict expression didn't hurt you, but you were forcing yourself to run away from him. To run from this friend that cared for you underneath his scary eyes.

Sleeping was the only thing you loved, starving wasn't what you liked, but nothing pleased you. It was as if every thing you loved, was colorless.

"Y/n?" A hand touched your shoulder, grabbing your attention from your book. Looking up at them, you can see his face, how his antlers defined him.

"What?" A smile creeps your face as he sits across you. Noticing that he looked trouble then usual, you asked him what was bothering him, but he didn't budge, instead, he asked you.

"What do you mean? I'm okay," hearing a sigh escape him, kind of hurt you.

"Your quite skinny, your cheek bones are showing more than usual." Placing the book down and desperately trying to hide your lie, you simply chuckle at him.

"I've been working out, you know, be skinny and fit. That's how some girls are beautiful-"

"Your lying, why are you lying?" Soon the atmosphere was heavy, as if it was waiting to drop for this moment. Still holding that smile, you just shrugged.

"I don't know what you mean?" Knowing how short tempered Louis can be at times, you didn't see his behavior quickly change.

"What do I mean?! Y/n, you're fur is a light color, your kind aren't suppose to be like that. You avoid me each time I see you... And your too, skinny. Your not alri-"

"What is it to you?! Huh?! What if my fur changed color! I could of dyed it! What if I'm skinny, I want to be like this! And what if... And what if..." pausing to catch your breath, you felt some warm tears threatening to fall out. Quickly whipping them, you gave Louis a stern glare.

"I've been going through some carp, and I know, I know I should've spoken to you when I see you, but there's nothing I can do with your, overwhelming fans. I just... I need some space from you." There was something in you that screamed at the back of your mind to call for him. To tell him how you felt, how you needed someone to hug. But your pettiness was already out there.

"I think you need some help, you look like you haven't slept in days." It wasn't as if he was being rude or anything, he just sounded annoyed by your childish act. Realizing how much that felt, it left a stab to your heart, "I know."

Sitting at the bench of the park, was the only thing good that kept your mind quite. It allowed you to watch the birds play tricks in the sky, how they enjoyed the freedom of gaining they're licenses. 'I wonder how that feels.'
You stop contacting your friends and quit school. You thought it was just the work load that you had to carry that was making you feel worthless, but you figured out, it was you. You didn't know what to do at this point. At times you simply wanted to end it, to jump from a broad work and drown, to fly in the air. Maybe it was for the best for you to end the suffering, to feel nothing any more.
    It was only three weeks when you left school and everything behind and you've got admit, it didn't help one bit. You messed a lot of school, you liked it, to learn, to feel good about turning an assignment. You messed laughing with your friends and teasing Louis, it made no sense to when all of it changed. It just did. Thinking about it, made you feel worse.
Spaced out by the a scenario and thoughts, you couldn't hear the voices that called for you. So when you felt a gentle hand, you couldn't stop the overwhelming tears that busted out when you saw him. Why was he here? You questioned, "why haven't you left me?" You thought. When rising from your spot to greet him, your body simply reacted by itself to fall in his grasp, to completely show him the person that he never saw. How scared it was to be alone.
Standing there, he awkwardly soothes your head. Pulling you closer to him, as if he knew that you could try to run away, again.

Speaking to you softly was the only way to keep you in his embrace.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should've told you," hiccuping came after from intensely crying out.
     He didn't say anything, as he didn't know what to say to a someone he cared for. He was nervous at this type of interaction, he didn't want to say anything that could make you feel worse, but he knew he had to say something.

"I'm always here," he looked at you seriously, believing that you should know how he felt about your health. Instead of saying anything, you take him in your arms again, to feel his warmth that calmed your nerves. "Thank you."

     To end the night on a good note, he took you out to eat. Even when you refused, he forced you to eat with him. Ordering as much as he believed was for the best for you.

"I... I don't want you to be... To be by yourself tonight. Be my guest at my dorm." His eyes avoided your contact, softly giggling at his request. Agreeing to this, you knew it was for the best for you to have someone to rely on.

"And I'm making an appointment with a therapist," you wanted to decline, but he already had his mind sent on it. There was no going back from your word, "Okay."

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