The male clapped his hands and shook his head. "Well done," he said, and I rolled my eyes. "You proved to me that you have a brain."

"But let me guess, it isn't as superior as yours. Is that what you are going to say?" I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head. "Or was it going to be something else?"

Grand shook his head and smirked. "It's what I was going to say," he said. He turned to gaze towards the group that was on the other side of the border that protected them. A scowl appeared on his face when he looked at Cromwell, and the other Demon looked down, not meeting his gaze. "You know that you have a traitor in your midst, correct?" He turned his gaze to look at me.

"A part of him, I am sure," I replied, not knowing how I knew that. "However, right now, at this second, he is under my care and protection."

Grand chuckled. "He could be easily swayed," he said, "to against you." He gestured to the two passed out men, and I glanced at them before I looked at him. "So can they. You have no idea how powerful my magic is."

"And you have no idea how powerful I am." I shrugged. "I mean, I don't even know, but I know that I am powerful."

"You are nothing," Grand spat. He narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth. "You are a nobody, and deep down, you know that."

I didn't reply and didn't move my gaze away from him, and I had a feeling that he hoped I would. There was this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as if he had confirmed a long held insecurity of mine. I wasn't a somebody; I was a nobody, or at least that was what I was to myself. I wasn't someone important, someone able to do something that others could do.

However, to others, I was somebody. I was someone important, able to fight and protect those that I cared about. I had a family that would catch me if I fall and be there through thick and thin. They were the ones that made me feel like somebody, even if I couldn't do it for myself.

I smiled and shook my head, slowly clapping my hands together. "You're right," I said, my voice leveled and hard. "I might be nothing and a nobody to myself, but I know that I am somebody and something to them." I gestured to the group that was gathered, and he looked before he looked. "And do you want to know what I have to say to you?"

He stayed silent and raised an eyebrow in question. His face was expressionless, and I had no idea if it was because he was a cloud form or if he did not want me to see what he was feeling. His whole body was tense, and I had no idea if he understood the importance of me yet or not.

"Fuck you," I said. "Fuck you for trying to make me feel like an inferior when in reality we both know that I am far superior than you. I am far superior than even you could imagine, and that scares the living shit out of you." I took a threatening step forward, and he took a step back.

The air around us became filled with magic, my magic that I had no idea I had possessed. The world grew lighter and lighter, chasing away the darkness that Grand and placed over us. My family stood a little taller, and the grief leaving them just as quickly as it came, and I had a feeling that I gave them hope.

I reached for the necklace around my neck, the one that Andrei had given me for my birthday and pulled it out of my shirt. The sudden urge to open it filled me, and I had a feeling that the only way to get rid of him was to open it, even though I had no idea how or why.

"Oh, and one more thing," I said, not opening it yet.

Grand raised an eyebrow and stayed silent.

I smirked. "I'll see you in hell." And with that, I opened the necklace and a blinding light appeared from the inside and grabbed the shadowy figure of Grand. As soon as it did that, it pulled a screaming Grand into the necklace without Grand even fighting to get released from it.

After Grand went into the necklace, I closed the necklace, and the blinding light stopped. There was only silence as soon as that necklace became closed, and everything became still.

I fell to my hands and knees and panted, feeling exhausted. My whole body was sore and tense, and I had no idea why because I hadn't done anything strenuous. Sweat dripped down my nose and landed on the ground before me, and I watched it, not paying any attention to the others that were still gathered.

They were safe. My family was safe. They didn't have to deal with the lack of hope that Grand had given them any longer, at least for now. They were safe and sound, protected by the box that hid them from the view of him once again.


A/N: Can we just snap for Ky, please? At least just for a second? xD

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