Exhaust: 11

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I raise my glass up into the air, lightly tapping it again the others'. Mary let's put a loud cheer as I bring the glass against my lip, finally taking my first sip. I don't know why it took so long for us to cheers to Kal, but this champagne has been tempting me since it was delivered to our table.

"You did so well," I tell Kal. "You held your own, and didn't let Chad and his dumbass brother get to you."

"You fucking killed it, is what she's trying to say," Ari laughs.

"You responded so well in that cross-examination. The jury was totally on your side."

"You absolutely crushed it," Mary adds. "How does it feel knowing you finally took him down?"

"I'm not going to lie, I feel fucking great," Kal laughs. "Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

"You're not anxious anymore?" I ask.

"No way. I feel powerful, like I can take on anything."

"You should join the MCU," Mary jokes. "You're more badass than any of those oldies."

"Tom Holland isn't old," Alex objects.

"And he's the best one!"

"So true!" Ari nods. "I'd ride that dick any day."

"Aren't you supposed to be gay?" Liam questions.

"I'm not supposed to be anything," she rolls her eyes.

"That's not what I meant."

"But you're right. I couldn't be any gayer if I tried."

"Same," Alex chuckles. I laugh at them, shaking my head in amusement.

"Who else wants a smoke?" Kal changes the subject, pulling a joint out of his suit jacket.

"Me!" Mary grins.

"Me too!" Ari nods.

"We can't smoke in here," I protest.

"No one will notice," Liam shrugs. "Let's get high."

"We can't. We're inside."

"Oliver..." Kal turns to his friend. "We can smoke in here, right?"

"Oh, come on," I scoff. "You don't need to ask him like he's your dad."

"Well, he pretty much is, isn't he?" He teases.

"I do have to babysit you a lot," Ollie jokes.

"Is that why you live together?" I smirk.

"Yep, I've got to make sure he's tucked in every night."

"Oh, please," Kal snickers. "We live together because you couldn't be alone after Lucy dumped your ass."

"Hey, I totally could. You just missed her too much."

"And I didn't dump him!" I object. "I just... took a break."

"A break?" Oliver raises his eyebrows in disbelief. "Running away to the other side of the country for two years is not a break. It's a dumping."

"But I didn't run away from you. I ran away from everything else."

"It's fine, I'm just messing with you. I totally get it. It wasn't a dumping, it was just a... a separation."

"Still," Kal scoffs. "You were fucking miserable."


"Not miserable," he protests, his eyes flickering my way. "Just..."

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