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Pha allowed himself to be dragged up the stairs to Forth's room, not saying a single word in protest. He knew it was because he'd kissed Forth in the canteen - in front of everyone. Forth pushed him to sit on the bed after locking the door behind them, then surprised Pha by not kissing him again, but pulling him into the middle of the bed and cuddling him.

Pha was bewildered. "Um...Forth?"


"What are you doing?"

"Cuddling you."

Pha rolled his eyes even though Forth couldn't see him. "I'm well aware of that, " idiot, "I meant, why?"

"Because I want to," Forth said simply.

"...I'm confused..."

Forth lifted his head up to gaze at Pha. "What are you confused about?"

"You said we were going to finish what happened in the canteen..."

Forth smiled. Too adorable...

"This isn't kissing," Pha raised an eyebrow. "Unless the meaning of 'kiss' changed without me knowing."

"Can't I just hold you for a while without trying to make out with you?" Forth teased, delighted to see Pha's ears turn red.

Pha turned his head away. "Weirdo."

"Mmm, yes. But I'm your weirdo."

Not a compliment...don't need to sound so pleased.


"...and then I told her, 'Honey, that shade of red makes you look like a streetwalker. Take it off before guys start asking how much you are for a night.'"

Pha rolled his eyes at Pring's story. Kit and Beam were just looking at her with weirded out expressions. "Why are you so mean to people?"

Pring shrugged, examining her nails. "I don't know. I think it's just my factory setting."

Pha looked up from his textbook to give her an unamused stare while Kit and Beam struggled to muffle their shocked laughter. "Remind me why we are friends again?"

"Bitch, because I saved you from making a mistake and dropping out of the competition! Plus, I helped you with your style. What hot guy goes around wearing tracksuits all the damn time???"

"I think the one who really needs help is you. You curse like a sailor, Pring."

"Bite me, Pha."

"Ooo, kinky," Beam muttered to Kit, who barked a laugh. Both looked around to make sure no one was paying them any attention.

Pha glowered at them. "You two aren't much better, I hope you know. Don't encourage her."

Pring ignored him, a devious smile suddenly on her face. "Pha, what's the first thing you think of when I say road trip?"

"Strangling my brothers."

"...you don't have any brothers."

Pha looked pointedly over at Beam and Kit, then back at Pring, raising one eyebrow as if to say, 'Your point?' Kit and Beam made faces back at him in retaliation. "They're just as bad as actual brothers. There was this one time I had them over, and Beam decided to try to cook himself a meal in the middle of the night. Set the smoke alarm off and scared my parents half to death."

Hey!" Beam pouted, folding his arms and sliding down in his chair sulkily. "At least I didn't burn the house down!"

Kit snorted. "Well aren't you a little angel."

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