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This...was probably a bad idea... Pha grumbled to himself as he ducked into the restroom so Forth, who was coming down the hall, wouldn't see him. He peeked out the door, waiting until the Engineer was further down the hallway, then slipped out and followed him from a distance.

Yeah, stalking the guy wasn't very smart...but how else was Pha supposed to learn more about Forth outside of their dates?? Forth didn't volunteer much information, and his facebook page didn't have everything about him on it. And the only thing Pha really knew about Forth was he liked white chocolate - which still wasn't real chocolate no matter what that dumb Engineer insisted!

He followed Forth and his friend group outside, hovering in the doorway so they wouldn't see him. It was fortunate that he'd done this on a rare day he didn't have classes. If he had skipped, the professors would've skinned him alive. As the group moved down the sidewalk to the canteen, Pha followed them at a distance.

"Pha, what are you doing here?"

Forth turned around at the familiar voice, but didn't see anything. He shrugged and continued walking.

Pha poked his head around the bush, breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn't been discovered. Then he turned on Yim, one of Forth's few female friends. "Are you crazy???" He hissed. "You almost got me caught by Forth!"

Yim blinked. "But...he's your boyfriend..."

"I'm trying to find out more about him," Pha admitted, peeking over the bush again.

"By stalking him??" Yim was trying not to giggle.

Pha turned, eyes narrowed. "Will you help me?"


"Here, give me your phone," he held a hand out, making a grabby motion with his fingers.

Yim grumbled to herself, pulling her phone out of her skirt pocket and handing it over after unlocking it. "What do you need my phone for??"

Pha called his phone with hers. "There. Now, save my number."

"Okay..." Yim did so, glancing at Pha like he was crazy. "Now what?"

"I'm going to call you before you go into the canteen," Pha explained, smiling and holding his phone up for her to see. "That way I can listen in on what Forth is saying."

Yim shrugged. "Okay. Anything to keep you guys happy."

"Thank you, Yim," Pha gave her a grateful waii.

She smiled. "Yeah, yeah. Better call me soon. I'm heading in now."

Pha waited until she was right outside the canteen doors, then called her. "I'll keep my side muted so he doesn't hear me."

"Probably a good idea," Yim agreed. She disappeared inside, and there was a soft, scratchy sound. Pha realized she'd put the phone back in her pocket. "Hi, Forth!" She said cheerfully. "Au, you didn't order for me?"

"Your likes change daily," Forth teased. Pha could imagine the smile on his face.

What...Get out of my head!!

"Meanie," Yim laughed. "Park, can you get me some lunch?"

"What do you want this time."

"What did you get?"

"Pad Thai."

"Ooo, that sounds good. I'll have that."

"I thought you didn't like Pad Thai??" Forth questioned.

"Yeah, last year when I got sick with the flu and threw it up. Stupid Forth."

Forth sighed. "Whatever."

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